Friday, September 4, 2020
Personal Statement :: College Admissions Essays
Individual Statement Fourteen days had just passed and I started to understand the strike would in all likelihood proceed into the following week also. I was restless for the main strike in the ninety-year history of UPS to be finished. The principal week was very nearly an oddity, a fairly enormous get-together with my kindred laborers. As the days passed and the subsequent week found some conclusion, the oddity had worn off. My kindred Teamster individuals and I had remained on the picket line for about fourteen days at this point, energetically watching for news of an agreement understanding between the association and the organization. As the TV cameras moved on an early Thursday morning in the late spring of 1997, a neighborhood Dallas journalist got some information about the expression of an agreement understanding, which had been arrived at only a couple of hours sooner. I answered with what I felt was the best possible and right reaction at that point, â€Å"If it is valid, at that point I am a mped up for it and I can’t hold on to return to work†. We frequently didn't have the foggiest idea what to accept on the picket line, in any event, when it originated from the media, who were generally preferable educated over we were. It was difficult to depend on data got from the organization or the association, as it generally ended up being just hardly honest. I frequently pondered about the genuine reason for the strike, realizing what the two sides were guaranteeing, yet addressing what was truth and what was purposeful publicity. One thing I knew certain was that I never needed to be put in this circumstance again. When that expression of a last understanding contacted us, I had just decided that I could never again be associated with another UPS strike as a work laborer. The main way I need to be associated with another work strike is in the job of an attorney, with a necessary part in the agreement exchanges. The one beneficial thing that came out of the strike was my own choice of what I needed to do with my future. While watching the nightly news each night of the strike, searching for any new turns of events, I got spellbound with dealings between the Teamster and UPS legal advisors.
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Higher Education Marketing Mix Free Essays
Part 3 MARKETING’S ROLE IN HIGHER EDUCATION 3. 1 INTRODUCTION Chapter 2 presented a portion of the significant changes and patterns that have occurred in the advanced education condition both globally and locally. Albeit advanced education establishments can be delegated non-benefit associations, the difficulties talked about in Chapter 2 require advanced education foundations to assume the association like conduct of benefit associations and to turn out to be more marketingoriented. We will compose a custom paper test on Advanced education Marketing Mix or on the other hand any comparative point just for you Request Now A comprehension of the earth wherein advanced education foundations work, gives a basic foundation against which to comprehend and survey the advantages of concentrating on understudies as clients. In the event that advanced education foundations comprehend the scene wherein they work, they can start to plan to serve the market adequately and effectively with their advertising technique. Being marketingoriented necessitates that associations have information on outside powers (as clarified in Chapter 2), yet additionally information on customers’ needs and needs (to be tended to in Chapter 4). It is against this scenery of changes in nature, for example, the abatement in government subsidizing and the expansion in rivalry, that the requirement for showcasing in advanced education can be seen. So as to endure and to build up a practical upper hand in a changing advanced education scene, advanced education organizations ought to fulfill the requirements of their clients by including esteem. Organizations ought to give a greater number of advantages to their clients than rivals in the event that they need to remain serious. In the serious condition wherein advanced education establishments work (allude to Chapter 2), upgraded consumer loyalty might be one of the manners by which foundations can make and continue an upper hand. This can be accomplished with the viable utilization of the promoting blend components. Showcasing, and increasingly explicit a market-direction, can give a definite comprehension of the requirements of ustomers and guarantee that advanced education foundations address the necessities in as †73 †productive and thorough way as could be expected under the circumstances. To put it plainly, advanced education establishments need to set advertising destinations and plan a promoting system. Given the market-arranged concentration and significance of the promoting blend components, the principle focal point of this part will be on advanced education institutions’ plan and execution of the components of the administrations advertising blend. This section will investigate the writing accessible on the changing job of advertising, the showcasing idea, market-and promoting direction, purchaser conduct and the incorporation of the considerable number of units of an advanced education foundation to figure an assistance item system, value technique, appropriation methodology, correspondence procedure, individuals system, physical proof system and procedure system so as to address the issues of understudies. 3. 2 THE CHANGING ROLE OF Marketing assumes a significant job in any association and is seen by Lamb et al. 2004:5) as a procedure that begins with distinguishing client gatherings, getting some answers concerning their necessities and needs, coordinating what the association can offer with what the client needs and afterward successfully conveying and offering it to the client. Despite the fact that the essential point of showcasing is to fulfill the necessities of clients, it includes a bunch of exercises, for example, it em/administration advancement, structure, improvement, circulation, promoting, selling and how the item/administration is obtained and utilized by the client. Machado and Cassim (2002:2) view advertising as the way toward arranging and executing the origination, evaluating, advancement and dispersion of thoughts, merchandise and enterprises to make trades that fulfill individual and hierarchical targets. Mowen (1995:7) states that the significance of understanding shopper conduct is found in the meaning of advertising as a human movement coordinated at fulfilling needs and needs through a human trade process. Powerful promoting requires an advanced education organization to recognize their intended interest groups, get them, and speak with them as straightforwardly and intelligently as could reasonably be expected (Laurer, 2006). As per Shoemaker (1999), advertising is the proactive administration of the connection between an advanced education organization and its different †74 †showcases by utilizing the apparatuses of promoting: administration item, place, value, advancement, procedure, individuals and physical proof. Marketing’s more noteworthy commitment lies in its capacity to encourage the trade procedure that happens between the non-benefit association, for example, the advanced education establishment, and every one of the client bunches it addresses (Sargeant, 2005:295). Promoting can give a nitty gritty comprehension of the necessities of such clients and guarantee that the foundation tends to these requirements in as productive and thorough way as could be expected under the circumstances. This comprehension of customers’ needs can help associations in making and continuing an upper hand. Lynch and Baines (2004:171) found that advanced education institutions’ manageable upper hands are typically founded on unrivaled information, notoriety, development or building related points of interest. Be that as it may, promoting isn't stale and throughout the years the showcasing exercises of associations have changed. Kolter (2003) and Strydom, Jooste and Cant (2000:10) recognize four phases that firmly impact the development of organisations’ showcasing exercises. These stages are alluded to as creation, deals, advertising and cultural promoting. The creation direction centers around the interior abilities of the association as opposed to the requirements of the market, while a business direction depends on the reason that individuals will purchase more if forceful deals methods are utilized. Both of these directions come up short on a client center. Associations understand the significance of promoting and building long haul associations with their clients; in this manner, an advertising direction. The cultural advertising direction expands on the showcasing direction however includes that client esteem must be conveyed so that it keeps up or improves the society’s prosperity. As indicated by Kotler and Fox (1995:11), there are additionally clear stages in the development of advertising in advanced education. The center has moved from â€Å"marketing is unnecessary†to â€Å"marketing is promotion†to â€Å"marketing is positioning†to the phase where sometimes advertising is viewed as a major aspect of key getting ready for advanced education foundations. Law (2002:4) is of the feeling that advanced education organizations in South Africa are moving from â€Å"marketing is promotion†to more accentuation on situating and key arranging. This stage is additionally portrayed as the â€Å"marketing company†time. The promoting †75 †ompany time is portrayed by short-and long haul advertising arranging and the entire organisation’s endeavors are guided by the showcasing idea (Perreault McCarthy 2002:34). The advertising idea is an administration theory with the essential premises that an association needs to explore the requirements and needs of clients and afterward produce items or administrations that will fulfill these necessities and nee ds (Strydom, Jooste Cant, 2000:12; and Kohli Jaworski, 1990:467). The advertising idea will be clarified in the following area. 3. 3 THE MARKETING CONCEPT Churchill and Peter (1998:12) depict the usage of the promoting idea as an association that fulfills client needs and needs as a way to accomplish their own destinations. Despite the fact that it appears to be basic, it is mind boggling as in changes inside the financial, social, political and mechanical condition, as talked about in Chapter 2, continually prompts changing client needs and needs. Sheep et al. (2004:17) express that establishments who need to make due later on should be client centered, advertise driven, worldwide in scope and adaptable in its capacity to convey better an incentive than ustomers whose inclinations and desires change persistently. Foxall and Goldsmith (1998:7) feel that purchaser direction comes from an organisation’s reception and execution of the showcasing blend (value, administration item, advancement, place, individuals, process, physical proof), yet includes that the selection and usage of the advertising idea has four significant ramifica tions: †¢ The accomplishment of any association relies most importantly upon the customers and what they are eager to acknowledge and pay. †¢ The association must know about what the market needs, ideally a long time before creation begins. Customer needs should be persistently observed and estimated so that, through help item and market advancement, the association stays in front of contenders. †¢ Top administration must accomplish the incorporation of the considerable number of parts of the showcasing technique into a solitary key arrangement, in light of information on purchaser conduct. †76 †Mowen (1995:4) underlines the significance of the promoting idea by expressing that the advertising idea typifies the view that an industry is a client fulfilling process, not a merchandise delivering process. An industry starts with the client and its needs, not a patent, crude material, or selling ability. The general acknowledgment of the idea that an association capacities to satisfy consumers’ needs and needs, through understanding their trade accomplice (clients), makes the investigation of shopper conduct, and along these lines this examination, basic. Mowen (1995:5) and Churchill and Peter (1998:13) concur that the fundamental thought of the advertising idea is to give the clients what they need. Be that as it may, customers are not in every case certain about their needs or what they are being offered, and
Saturday, August 22, 2020
A project plan for interior design
A venture plan for inside structure Presentation: Inside plan is a multi-faceted calling in which inventive and specialized arrangements are applied inside a structure to accomplish an assembled inside condition. The inside structure process follows a precise and facilitated procedure, including examination, investigation and combination of information into the imaginative procedure, whereby the necessities and assets of the customer are fulfilled to deliver an inside space that satisfies the task objectives. Planning isn't costly any more and each class of individuals can enhance their homes regardless of how huge the house is. Presently we have built up a total new subject for Interior Designing plan. Inside structure profit change dependent on boss, number of years with experience, and the notoriety of the person. For private tasks, independently employed inside fashioners for the most part win an every hour charge in addition to a level of the all out expense of furniture, lighting, fine art, and other plan components. For business ventures, they may charge per-hour expenses, or a level expense for the entire undertaking. Undertaking Background: We are working for our clients as per what they need. They give us spending plan and we offer them various structures. Thus every sort of occupation is trying for us. In the accompanying situation we need to finish a house directly from the framework to the wrapping up. The detail is given later. The house would be worked in the new area in the lake see society and its a decent view for another home. The client is a nearby relative of our ranking staff part and he needs it to be totally one of a kind. So we are attempting to make some arrangement that would limit our cost and amplify our benefits For that reason we would have a few goals and should characterize venture scope before going to begin the task plan. Task objective: The destinations are in every case high for our firm, As we realize that the reason for accomplishing a work at clients will isn't unreasonably simple. So by doing this undertaking we would get following advantages thusly to accomplish these future our target, We would get a thought regarding the new region and accessibility of laborers around there. We will have the option to pull in new clients on the off chance that we make that house eye getting We may get an entirely different agreement from the development organizations around there and that would be an extra reward for us. Consequently by ding this undertaking we would get a great deal of positives. Numerous individuals delay to ask from us that what rates we are offering however in the event that we develop that house in that area, at that point clearly they would be pulled in and in the wake of seeing the cost they would most likely come to us for that venture. Task Scope: As we realize that each task extension is constrained to certain particulars. Like this undertaking we have an extension that is partitioned under the accompanying headings. Expectations : 1. A 2500 square foot, 2 washroom, 5 room , 1 lounge, completed home 2. Kitchen complete with all the instruments set : microwave, dishwasher, table 3. Fish pound in the back yard with wooden fence 4. Programmed watering plant introduced in the nursery Achievement: 1. Utilization of building endorsed: 20 august 2010 2. Establishment: 1 September 2010 3. Clearing exvacation ,balance , surrounding n drying in ,establishment window n entryway , material 24 December 2010 4. Establishment Electricity and Plumbing: 28 December 2010 5. Last review : 1 January 2011 Specialized prerequisite: 1. Home must meet neighborhood construction laws 2. All windows and entryways must pass NFRIC class 40 vitality appraisals 3. Outside divider protection must meet a R factor of 21 4. Roof protection divider protection must meet a R factor of 21 5. Seizure must pass seismic solidness codes Cutoff points and Exclusions: 1. Proprietor liable for arranging 2. Fridge isnt remembered for kitchen set 3. Temporary worker liable for subcontracted work 4. Any work postponed for nature chance isn't temporary worker obligation 5. Specialist just work from monday friday at 8 am-5 pm A style, or topic, is a reliable thought utilized all through a space to make a sentiment of culmination. Styles are not to be mistaken for structure ideas, or the more elevated level gathering, which include a more profound comprehension of the design setting, the socio-social and the automatic prerequisites of the customer. We need to grow our business and make a syndication around here. This business is still out of the compass of white collar class yet in the event that our business began as we have recognition in our psyche, at that point our business would expel the observation from the brains of the individuals that having a very much enriched home is a costly undertaking. Nowadays having a working class home in great territory cost indirect $25000 to $100000. In any case, they despite everything cannot get their preferred home. After our perspective they would have the option to construct their own home in less then 35lakh. Our principle target would be the recently settled lodging plans, Our Marketing plan covers every one of these viewpoints and we have a very much idea intend to catch these business sectors. At first we are going to open an office in principle advertise region since we need to have a decent picture in the brains of the individuals. Spending plan/Costing: Association Breakdown Structure: Undertaking Manager Activities Manager Advertising Manager Chief RD Laborers Designer Money Manager Associate Finance Manager Office Boy Security Guard HR Manager Associate HR ManagerOrganization is separate as indicated by our undertaking. Every individual from the group will do some worof its sort in this venture. So both work separate structure and association breakdown structure are intended to ensure smooth finish of the venture. The expense is isolated in these errands and now and again. The cost structure is given by the clients and is partitioned in the accompanying manner. Clarification: We have isolated our work in two distinct circumstances. Initial one is the Organization advancement and how to deal with our association and the errands acted in it. The subsequent one is the short manner by which simply the activities administrator will be included to finish the venture with no intercession of the group. Still it will be group task. Subsequently the association part, for example, bookkeeper and directors will be engaged with setting the Deal. The venture by the Customer is a subset of the entire undertaking. The pay explanation and cost and use is given on left section. Following is the anticipated pay articulation for the year 2010. . The five individuals will play out their errands and afterward the second phase of execution will be as appeared in the chart. All out undertaking time is as per the following. We have 50 days to finish the undertaking. Thus what we have close by is these 11 assignments to be finished. Presently by utilizing our perky outline we will discover which one is the most brief way to be finished Sprightly CHART FOR THE INTERIOR DEISGNING In the above outline, the A to N are 14 unique errands for our venture of Interior planning. We can say them like vendering, acquirement, and employing and so forth. These undertakings are to be performed and we have attempted to ensure that the work is done easily. The basic way is the one which is referenced with arrow point. The basic way shows minimal measure of time that is required to finish the undertaking close by,. The errands on same level can be dispensed with and consequently we can short our time span to finish a specific assignment. To finish this errand the complete undertaking time was 5months. Subsequently we have accomplished our assignment to be extremely exact with this procedure. The previously mentioned is the gantt Chart for the venture. Where A to N are ventures and their errand time referenced in the table above. So to achieve the assignment we will carry out these responsibility all the while as a portion of these will be from various divisions. In addition, the Tasks acted in these offices are not the same as one another and their level is additionally unique. Subsequently we can without much of a stretch ensure that the task has some space to stop in time and cash. Hazard MANAGEMENT PLAN; Hazard Management is extremely vital in Interior Designing Business like we must be a lot of exact with our undertaking and what we give to our clients. Numerous clients gripe that the standard was bad or the item isn't conveyed on schedule. Henceforth to handle all these and all the more such issues we must be pr planed about such issues. So following is the extent of our hazard Management plan. As we realize that in Interior Designing business we frequently need to manage such sort of issues like obtainment. Work power, client backfire and material postponement. Consequently these issues must have a direct arrangement. Likewise its is a piece of business arrangement and procedure. Presently we have created following focuses for every one of such issue. Obtainment issue As we realize that to take care of some acquisition issues we should have sellers more than our essential needs so we ensure that we keep a very much reached such vendors. Client Backlash It frequently become extremely hard to manage the clients subsequently we have an arrangement to build up a structure and a dually consented to arrangement. In which each such issue must be secured. Henceforth after deal administration is the other answer for this issue. Work Force: We have work power double the work power that is required in light of the fact that we dont need to pay them a perpetual sum we simply enlist them on every day compensation. Material Delay: We keep enough stock so that on the off chance that provisions may get postponed, at that point we stay aware of the assignment and the work wouldnt get deferred.
At Risk Students- Students at risk of school failure with an emphasis Research Paper
At Risk Students-Students in danger of school disappointment with an accentuation on understudies put in child care - Research Paper Example Such issues require the expulsion of a youngster from their home for the motivations behind their passionate and physical security. At some random time, around 10,000 kids are under child care, 35% being taken care of by their family members. . How understudies in child care become in danger understudies There are numerous elements that add to understudies set in child care turning out to be in danger understudies. These incorporate the successive school moves which result to disturbance of their instructive advancement. This is principally in light of the fact that such kids are regularly driven away from their networks and schools on going into child care because of restricted private assets inside the current area of the kid. Such exchanges power these youngsters to join different understudies in their new schools notwithstanding the uniqueness in schedule inclusion between the two schools. As per Riley (1986), the effect of school moves is extraordinary in light of the fact that the greater part of such exchanges happen mid of the school year and the versatility rates are higher for those going into child care just because. When a portion of these understudies experience the educational program, they could have switch schools up to multiple times. As indicated by a recent report done in Chicago Public Schools, understudies who had changed schools for around at least multiple times had lost about a time of instructive development by their sixth year. On the off chance that such student’s don't get enough consideration regarding situate them to the new school and healing administrations to find the rest, they wind up falling behind the rest all the scholastic years (Pecora et al, 2003). A portion of the understudies under child care take care of clinical arrangements or legal disputes. Such exercises as a rule remove the understudy from school and could even outcome to passionate change (Pecora et al, 2003). This implies the understudy will consistentl y have class work or substance holes because of successive unavoidable truancy. This causes these understudies to become in danger understudies since they may never adapt effectively to the remainder of the class prompting a general low presentation. This makes the understudy free fearlessness prompting a continuation of the pattern. Green (1986) takes note of that understudies put under child care have higher paces of wrong conduct like truancy, chronic drug use or hasty conduct. This could be because of absence of appropriate and constant observing in light of the fact that social specialists and guardians may change a few times during the stay of a youngster in child care. This makes their edge of suspended or potentially removed understudies more extensive contrasted with that of understudies who are not out of home. A mix of such suspensions as well as ejections, and wrong conduct results to secondary school disappointment and drop out rates among them understudies put under ch ild care. Help and backing to in danger understudies in danger understudies need a great deal of help and backing from guardians, educators and instructors so as to upgrade their instructive levels and accomplishments. As noted before, these understudies experience more disappointment than the remainder of the class and henceforth they fall behind their friends. This makes them have low confidence which contrarily influences their demeanor towards instruction and to think little of their possibilities. Beveridge (2010) states that the 2001 No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), bolsters instructive changes that are measures based. This depends on a conviction that foundation of objectives and setting of elevated expectations can improve the instructive results
Friday, August 21, 2020
Egalitarian Companies Are More Innovative
Examine the upsides and downsides of the accompanying proclamation: â€Å"Egalitarian organizations are increasingly creative. †A libertarian organization exists with equivalent human rights for all representatives, paying little heed to social monetary pay, race, birthplace, sexual orientation, strict or political convictions. A great many people see libertarian as reasonable as it makes a neighborly workplace. a populist workplace doesn’t rely upon sets of responsibilities and customary administration jobs. This permits representatives to work as an increasingly comprehensive work power. it advanced shared obligations among laborers and advances cooperation. A populist workplace doesn’t rely upon set of working responsibilities and customary administration jobs to characterize representatives and structure workforce. This permits representatives in an organization to exist without chains of command and capacity as increasingly comprehensive workforce. Workers may feel progressively valued and contribute thoughts to the company’s development and general way and operational methodologies. Experts. In associations, chain of command is something beyond a human inclination, it’s a reasonable need. The motivation behind an association is to assemble assorted gifts and capacities so as to create products and enterprises. In the cutting edge world, we have innovation to increase this yield. We have to split errands, coordinate them with the correct individuals (since not all individuals have equivalent abilities), and afterward incorporate them for clients. Someone needs to give the heading to get this going viably at each stage and level. This is the place the job of the director, chief, group pioneer, or official comes in. Without this direction and choice capacity, we would have disorder. There are many, organizations that have since quite a while ago indicated accomplishment through their structure. In certain market conditions there need severe adherence to measures, necessities, strategies, and so forth ierarchies can help guarantee top quality is constantly present. ie wellbeing offices. Also, using pros or specialists inside an association or system, is characteristic. Not every person can do everything. Limits can be progressively porous with the goal that individuals can share data, assets, and thoughts to make the entire endeavor increasingly fruitful. Getting this going is rarely simple, yet it can’t be done at all without pioneers who have the power to break the ties among gatherings and people who have various dreams of what ought to be finished. There is no preferred method to do this over through customary chain of importance. Alongside that, it may not be cost, time or quality standing to let everybody wander aimlessly without course. The correct mix and parity for any one specific association will rely upon the pace of progress in the business, the capacities of the representatives, and the assets accessible to make a move. The requirement for initiative will consistently exist. There will consistently be a requirement for visionaries, individuals who can impact others, and individuals who can execute. Cons. While chains of command were the supported type of sorting out before, they ought not be the key plan in business. Chains of command, described by close controls, brought together dynamic, and obvious sets of responsibilities, regularly distance representatives and advance an individualistic work attitude. Customary administration frameworks are progressively a disappearing breed, not, at this point important or significant in today’s progressively human-capital-driven working environment. The absence of sets of responsibilities, compliment associations, and adaptable methodology would almost certainly fit better for hierarchical situations that are new, youthful, or quickly advancing. With an extremely quick pace of progress, compelling sets of responsibilities may keep people away from making a move. Initiative is fundamental in driving forward rules that can be followed up on. With visionary methodologies that consider enabled activity, numerous incredible things can be accomplished. Distinguish three associations that you see as being inventive. Association development is the fruitful execution of inventive thoughts in an association. The three associations that I see as being imaginative seem to be; Facebook, Apple and Microsoft. Each of the three organizations have figured out how to be inventive and support an upper hand. They have likewise kept up quality and type of their administration and item extra time. Distinguish the advancement and its effect upon every association. Facebook advancement has pulled in billions of individuals to their site. They have a proceeding with development of intuitive face book correspondence that has made examples of advancement additional time. Facebook has made a market upper hand. Facebook has utilized particular seriousness to continue its development and maintain a strategic distance from duplication by contenders. Face book have kept up a steady change by having their individuals sign in for nothing and furthermore by improving the Facebook execution as a prevailing site. Facebook is a long range informal communication administration and site. As of January 2012, Facebook had in excess of 800 million dynamic clients. Clients must enroll before utilizing the site, after which they may make an individual profile, include different clients as companions, and trade messages, including programmed notices when they update their profile. Furthermore, clients may join regular intrigue client gatherings, sorted out by working environment, school or school, or different attributes, and arrange their companions into records, for example, â€Å"People from Work†or â€Å"Close Friends†. Face book advancement as pulled in 7 billion user’s around the world. It has likewise propelled a Spanish adaptation. Apple, perhaps the best trailblazer keep on propelling new innovation I. e. IPhones, iPods. And so on after some time Apple keeps on making more up to date maintainable innovation. Apple Inc. together with auxiliaries offers structures, makes, and markets versatile correspondence and media gadgets, PCs, and compact computerized music players; and sells related programming, administrations, peripherals, organizing arrangements, and outsider advanced substance around the world. Its items and administrations incorporate iPhone, iPad, Mac, iPod, Apple TV, the iOS and Mac OS X working frameworks, iCloud, and different extra and bolster contributions, just as a scope of shopper and expert programming applications. As of September 24, 2011, the organization had 357 retail locations, remembering 245 stores for the United States and 112 stores universally. Apple Inc. was established in 1976 and is headquartered in Cupertino, California. Microsoft Corporation creates, licenses, and supports a scope of programming items and administrations for different figuring gadgets around the world. The company’s Windows and Windows Live Division section offers PC working framework that basically incorporates Windows 7 and Windows Vista working frameworks; Windows live set-up of uses and Web administrations; and Microsoft PC equipment items. Its Microsoft’s Server and Tools portion gives Windows Server working frameworks, Windows Azure, Microsoft SQL Server, SQL Azure, Windows Intune, Windows Embedded, Visual Studio, Silverlight, framework focus items, Microsoft counseling administrations, and item bolster administrations. This section additionally offers endeavor counseling administrations; and preparing and affirmation to designers and data innovation experts, just as manufactures independent and programming advancement lifecycle instruments for programming engineers, designers, analyzers, and venture chiefs. The organization gives online data and substance through Bing, MSN gateways, and adCenter, just as Atlas online apparatuses for promoters. Its Microsoft Business Division section offers Microsoft office; Microsoft Exchange; Microsoft SharePoint; Microsoft Lync; Microsoft Dynamics ERP and CRM; and Microsoft Office Web Apps, just as office 365, n online help, offering Microsoft Office, Exchange, SharePoint, and Lync. The company’s has made incredible inovative Entertainment and Devices Division section gives Xbox 360 amusement stage, which incorporates the Xbox 360 gaming and diversion support, Kinect for Xbox 360, Xbox 360 computer games, Xbox LIVE, and Xbox 360 adornments; Mediaroom, an I nternet convention TV programming; and Windows Phone that give Microsoft Office and Xbox LIVE usefulness. It advertises and conveys its items and administrations through unique hardware makers, merchants, and affiliates, just as through on the web. Microsoft was established in 1975 and is headquartered in Redmond, Washington. (www. mocrosoft. com) William Chuck,(management) 2010 Custom Edition.
Saturday, August 8, 2020
7 Tips for Surviving Nicotine Withdrawal
7 Tips for Surviving Nicotine Withdrawal Addiction Nicotine Use Nicotine Withdrawal Print 7 Tips for Surviving Nicotine Withdrawal By Terry Martin facebook twitter Terry Martin quit smoking after 26 years and is now an advocate for those seeking freedom from nicotine addiction. Learn about our editorial policy Terry Martin Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Sanja Jelic, MD on January 19, 2020 Sanja Jelic, MD, is board-certified in sleep medicine, critical care medicine, pulmonary disease, and internal medicine. Learn about our Medical Review Board Sanja Jelic, MD on January 19, 2020 More in Addiction Nicotine Use Nicotine Withdrawal After You Quit How to Quit Smoking Smoking-Related Diseases The Inside of Cigarettes Alcohol Use Addictive Behaviors Drug Use Coping and Recovery Nicotine withdrawal is a short phase overall, but it can be intense. Make it more manageable by empowering yourself with knowledge about what to expect as you go through the early days of smoking cessation. 1. Review Your Reasons to Quit Smoking Many of the reasons for wanting to quit smoking are common, but some of them will be unique to our own situation. Make a list on paper and as a note on your smartphone. Carry it with you, adding to it as more reasons pop into your mind. Read it often. Your list is a valuable tool to help you overcome the urge to smoke.?? 2. Know When Youre Rationalizing Thoughts of smoking just one cigarette are going to happen as you make your way through the early days of nicotine withdrawal. In fact, during the first week or two of smoking cessation, you may feel as though you’re thinking of nothing but smoking.?? Addiction has an even stronger hold on you mentally than it does physically. Your mind will turn itself inside out trying to convince you that you must smoke again. Be prepared for the mental chatter that comes with this phase of smoking cessation. Every new ex-smoker goes through some of it. Understand that it’s just a part of the process as you recover from nicotine addiction and don’t let it throw you. For most people, the worst of it will be over by the end of your first smoke-free month.?? 3. Triggers to Smokeâ€"Be Prepared to Defeat Them Physical withdrawal from nicotine triggers the urge to smoke.?? Once nicotine is gone from the bloodstream, triggers shift over to the mental associations you have built up over the years. From the first cup of coffee in the morning to the last thing you do before bed, smoking has become a part of who you are. Triggers will often appear seemingly out of the blue and cause powerful urges to smoke. These can make you feel like youre back in the midst of physical withdrawal, even though there is no nicotine present in your body any longer. With practice, you can break down old habits and create new ones that are much healthier.?? Distract yourself. Keep your hands busy with a hobby. Making a list of things to do instead of smoking will allow you to quickly switch to an activity.Keep healthy snacks on hand to help you with the hand-to-mouth association of smoking.Avoid drinking alcohol or putting yourself in an environment where there are smokers. The time will come when drinking or being around people smoking won’t bother you but don’t expect it within the first several weeks (or even months) of smoking cessation.Learn to decipher smoking urges. Once you begin to understand what your body is signaling when you experience an urge to smoke, you can make better choices that will become automatic in time. 4. Surround Yourself With Support Your ability to quit smoking permanently will be much easier to sustain if you have strong, positive support around you. Friends and family can be helpful, but they may not understand the depth of what quitting smoking means to you, especially if they’ve never smoked. You can browse an online smoking cessation support forum. Or, take advantage of the phone and live helplines. 5. Reward Yourself Daily Every single day you complete smoke-free early on is a huge accomplishment. You may not think so, but the minutes, hours, and days you put between you and that last cigarette you smoked is working to strengthen your resolve. Little by little, you’re teaching yourself how to live without cigarettes. Honor that effort daily for the first month or so by pampering yourself at least once a day. Don’t wait for others to pat you on the backâ€"do it for yourself. ?Daily rewards don’t need to be elaborate. Something simple like time alone to relax with a good book, or a hot bath at the end of the day can go a long way toward helping you feel good about the work you’re putting into smoking cessation. If you can choose rewards that also help you release tension, all the better. 6. If You Want to Change Your Life, Change Your Mind It has been said that the average person has approximately 60,000 thoughts a day. You might be surprised to learn how much of what you think is negative and directed at yourself. And worse, many people repeat those self-defeating thoughts over and over and over again. Your mind believes what you tell it, so pay attention to what you’re thinking. When you hear a self-defeating thought pop up, replace it immediately with one that is supportive. Replace thoughts of I can’t with statements of I can and I am. Give yourself positive cues. Example You may think: All I can think about is smoking. Ill never stop missing cigarettes.?Correct the statement with something like this: I know that Im missing cigarettes right now because Im addicted to nicotine. Once I recover from that, I wont miss smoking anymore. The life you want begins with your thoughts. Dont buy into a negative, self-defeating mindset. Train your brain to build strong quit muscles to recover from nicotine addiction. 7. Think of Momentum as a Tool You start your quit program on day one. You have to endure hell and heck weeks (the first and second weeks of smoking cessation) and the discomforts beyond them. Every smoke-free day makes you stronger and more able to succeed. The gains are imperceptible at first, but theyre happening all the same. Day-by-day youre building momentum that will propel you forward with greater ease as time goes by. That momentum will carry over into other areas of your life. Youll use it to achieve other goals you once thought of as unattainable. You can always do more than you think you can. Bonus: Smoking Cessation Is Not a Race People who quit smoking want all of the discomforts associated with recovery from nicotine addiction to be over with quickly. It’s understandable, but not realistic. Recovery takes time, so the more you can relax and use the time to your advantage, the better you’ll do.?? Be patient with yourself and understand that you’re going through a healing process that is personal. How long it takes to put smoking behind you is how long it takes. In other words, dont compare yourself to anyone else. Trust in the process and give yourself the time you need to heal fully.
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
Behind Employers Favorite Career Services Office
Behind Employers Favorite Career Services Office by: Nathan Allen on August 31, 2015 | 0 Comments Comments 2,075 Views August 31, 2015Indiana Universitys Kelley School of Business Director of Undergraduate Career Services, Susie Clarke (far right), and her team at a Habitat for Humanity volunteer build day. Photo courtesy of Kelley School of BusinessThe climate for recruiting business studentsâ€â€especially those from Indiana Universitys Kelley School of Businessâ€â€is hot. According to Kelleys Director of Undergraduate Career Services, Susie Clarke, top companies are banging down the schools door to court freshmen at their orientation. Clarke tells the sophomores, juniors, and seniors to come to school armed with polished resumes. Within two weeks of the first day, the school is hosting career fairs for them with top consulting firms, banks, and manufacturing companies, among others.And Clarke would know. Her office has played a vital role in Kelleys ascension to the top of Bloomberg Businessweeks employer rankings of business schools in the past two years. A Kelley product, herself, Clarke spent two decades at Fortune 500 power generation manufacturing company, Cummins, rising the ranks to director of their international human resources before returning to Kelley to help students find careers. Now she heads up the undergraduate career services where she and her team have developed a full-court press-style of finding their students jobs.From the moment students step onto campus as freshmen, they are assigned career coaches. As they progress through their four years, they can seek industry-specific career coaches who often have extensive job-related experience. Kelleys career services office also provides multiple workshops, events, and action plans for students. Clarke and company even sought an outside source to help develop a job posting app specifically for Kelley undergrads because they believe if you dont innovate, you die.E mployers are obviously taking notice. In 2014, 93% of Kelley students who used the career services office and were actively seeking jobs found full-time employment. The statistics of that class also put to rest any notion Kelley is a regional school. Graduates went to work in 26 states, Washington D.C., and five different countries. The office also helped place 90% of the class of 2015 into internships during the summer of 2014. Depending on industry, average hourly wage for those internships ranged from $16 for management and marketing positions to $24 for summer jobs in information systems.In an exclusive interview with PoetsQuants, Clarke delves into details about what industry she sees as booming for business students to the extensive efforts her office puts in getting top companies to the Bloomington, Indiana-based campus to how she thinks career services offices should be evaluated.What trends are you seeing in the demand for business majors?The demand is strong. W e’re seeing them start earlier and earlier. We just had a welcome for our freshmen and there were a lot of companies that wanted to be involved in it with our Kelley Living Learning Center. The big four [Deloitte, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Ernst Young, and KPMG] were there, Salesforce was there, Kohl’sâ€â€so from all different industries. Originally, it was the service firms that were coming earlier, but now I see all firms coming earlier, starting to recruit. It’s looking very good for our students right now.Can you give any more specifics on the demand for Kelley students over the past few years?I think everybody after the 2009 economy slump has watched it come back up. The strength of consulting, investment banking, [and] financial service industries are very strong and are coming back. In manufacturing, I’d say they are very steady in their recruiting needs, too.A lot of them have increased from an internship standpoint. A lot of them want to co me in and have an intern join them early and have a chance for not only them to get to see what the student can do, but for the student to understand if that’s where they want to belong and where they want to go. Then they don’t have to come back for full-time recruiting later. I’ve seen a real increase in the number of interns that companies are starting to consider so they don’t have to come back on campus.How competitive are you seeing students with one another when going after the good internships?It’s extremely competitive. And it starts so early. It starts as soon as they get back on campus. You need to have your resume ready because the career fairs are here in less than two weeks. We really encourage students to focus and not try to go after every possibility. When we see students collecting offers, so to speak, we really discourage that and get them to focus on what they want to do so they open up more opportunities for others. Itâ€⠄¢s natural in the business school to be somewhat competitive. But I think Kelley students are also very collaborative and they want everybody to get opportunities. In that regard, there are always prime companies and jobs that they are trying to get. And that will never disappearâ€â€whether it’s Bain, or Boston Consulting, or McKinsey from the consulting end or the key investment banksâ€â€theyre very competitive at getting those top jobs. Page 1 of 3123 »
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Animal Testing Should Be Banned - 848 Words
As a society we have failed to notice, it’s everywhere. The animal testing footprint. Aeroguard, Chapstick, Michael Kors, Palmolive and Dettol: these common household brands all have the dark footprints of animal experimentation embedded into it. Each year over 6.5 million animals are brutally tested, killed or harmed in Australia and New Zealand, for many brands across the nation. You may think that Animal Testing has nothing to do with you but the real truth is, it does. It’s unavoidable to use a product or medication in your lifetime, which has been unethically tested on an animal. Yet, the government has taken no action to stop and establish new laws to ban Animal Testing. Animal testing should be absolutely banned and all government funding to this industry should be slashed outright. Animal Testing has been proven both, immoral, inaccurate and futile to the advancement of medicine and products. With the advent of our society, we have devised new, more ethical and accurate methods of testing. However, company and scientists are still sticking to the backward and outdated method: animal experimentation. Animal experimentation is a thing of the past as there are numerous alternatives to animal testing. Many scientists have developed new methods to test the toxicity of a chemical. Sticking to the unethical and inaccurate method of animal testing is illogical. In-vitro testing, also called test-tube testing, computerised modelling and stem-cell experimentation are threeShow MoreRelatedShould Animal Testing Be Banned?844 Words  | 3 PagesShould animal testing be banned? Nowadays, a lot of animals has been tested on a range of experiments over the world. You could be supporting animal teasing cruelty without knowing it. Have you ever check if there’s animal testing on the cosmetics before you buy it? Today, a lot of cosmetics has been testing on helpless animals and there are about 1.4 million animals die each year from animal testing ( CatalanoJ, 1994). Most of the experiments that are completed in the laboratories are very cruelRead MoreAnimal Testing Should Be Banned880 Words  | 4 Pagesdepending on animals testing. Therefore, if people talk about laboratories, they should remember animal experiments. Those animals have the right to live, according to people who dislike the idea of doing testing on animals; the other opinion, supports the idea of animal testing as the important part of the source of what has reached medicine of the results and solutions for diseases prevalent in every time and place. Each year huge numbers of animals a re sacrificed for the science all these animals, whetherRead MoreAnimal Testing Should Be Banned776 Words  | 4 PagesAnimal Testing Should be Banned  ¨Over 100 million animals are burned, crippled, poisioned and abused in US labs every year ¨ ( ¨11 Facts About Animal Testing ¨). Imagine if that was someones animal getting tortured in labs just to test things such as beauty products and perfume. Animal testing was first suggested when,  ¨Charles Darwin evolutionary theory in the mid 1850s also served to suggest that animals could serve as effective models to facilitate biological understanding in humans ¨ (Murnaghan)Read MoreAnimal Testing Should Not Be Banned940 Words  | 4 Pages1). Over 100 million animals are burned, crippled, poisoned, and abused in US labs every year. 2). 92% of experimental drugs that are safe and effective in animals fail in human clinical trials. (DoSomething â€Å"11 Facts About Animal Testing†). There are currently no laws combating the testing of cosmetics on animals, but the practice is harmful and must be ended. As evidenced by the statistics above, millions of animals are tortured and murdered in the United States every year for virtually no reasonRead MoreShould Animal Testing Be Banned?1665 Words  | 7 PagesTesting Cosmetics on Animals Companies around the world use animals to test cosmetics. Animals, such as rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, rats, and mice, are used to test the effects of chemicals on the eyes and skin. While animal testing is not mandatory, many companies use it. About Cosmetics Animal Testing by the Humane Society International talks about the different options companies have that do not require the cruel use and eventual death of animals. The article also talks about the overallRead MoreAnimal Testing Should Not Be Banned1572 Words  | 7 PagesAnimal Testing Every year, over two hundred million innocent animals are injured or killed in scientific experiments across the world. Of those animals, between seventeen and twenty million are used in the United States alone. It is said that an animal dies in a laboratory every three seconds (Animal Testing 101). Those in favor of animal experimentation say they are taking animals’ lives to save humans. It is not necessary to subject animals to torturous conditions or painful experiments in theRead MoreAnimal Testing Should Not Be Banned1581 Words  | 7 PagesAnimal testing is being used by different organizations all over the world to prevent specific diseases, especially cancer. Americans see animal testing having a harmful effect but it is one of the main reasons why society has most cures for some illnesses. This topic is important because people need to know what goes on during animal testing and why it is very beneficial. Animal testing needs to be used to find all cures. Some ani mals such as chimps/ monkeys have 90% of the same DNA humans haveRead MoreAnimal Testing Should Not Be Banned1721 Words  | 7 Pages †Today, more animals are being used in experiments than ever before: around 100 million in the United States alone†(3). Animal testing is now an international issue, and it is becoming a major story. Currently, animals are often used in medical testing, make-up testing, and other consumer product testing. Animals used in such product testing are often abused and suffer from serious side-effects. Animal testing can be painful for the animals, testing results are usually not even useable forRead MoreAnimal Testing Should Be Banned1364 Words  | 6 Pagesbenefit. Using animals for these experimentations usually does not come to mind. Animals are often abused, suffer, and even die during laboratory testing for the benefits of people to make sure medications, household products, newest procedures, and cosmetics are safe and effective for human use. Humans have benefited from animal testing for years while these animals suffer consequences with no positive outcomes for themselves. Even if a product or procedure is deemed successful, these animals are frequentlyRead MoreAnimal Testing Should Be Banned Essay1632 Words  | 7 Pages Animal Testing Should Be Banned Throughout the decades, animals have been used in medical research to test the safety of cosmetics including makeup, hair products, soaps, perfume, and countless of other products. Animals have also been used to test antibiotics and other medicines to eliminate any potential risks that they could cause to humans. The number of animals worldwide that are used in laboratory experiments yearly exceeds 115 million animals. Unfortunately, only a small percentage of
Monday, May 18, 2020
Hcs 490 Essay - 647 Words
Communicating with Electronic Medical Records Katrina Mabone HCS/490 May 23, 2013 Kendrick Brown Communication is the key to relating in all environments. When communication lines are broken, it makes take in jobs and personal relationship suffer. In medical environment communication is key in running hospital, nursing home and community care providers. With technology our communication has advanced because now we have electronic medical records. Electronic medical records are a way of providing the medical staff and insurance on the patient health information and insurance coverage. As stated by, â€Å"This also provide the doctors away to for individual patients, access to good care becomes easier and safer when†¦show more content†¦Providing EMR, this will provide accuracy for the patients. They may have better check points when the goes into the hospital and they are having surgery the files are provided with plus medical history. The government believe this will be a better method of safety. As stated by â€Å"Patients believe physicians use of electronic medical records can help improve the quality of care they receive. And if a physician offers patient access to the EMR, they feel confident the doctor will protect the privacy of their health information.†(Dolan, 2012) Sometimes medical staff forgets to put away the items in central record and someone may intercept with the patients charts, but on the hand the privacy can be compromised. Malicious people are being to hack into computer systems and stealing patient information. Computer technology may not be the greatest thing for world always. In conclusion the EMR are an effective way of communicating with doctors and insurance company. Patients are will benefit from accuracy and simplicity. Now the patients do not have to go to the pharmacy and wait there for their prescription. This give the patient a better choice and times to pick up prescriptions.Show MoreRelatedCommunications Paper Hcs 490929 Words  | 4 PagesCommunication Paper HCS 490 University of Phoenix Electronic Health Records The primary focus of any organization is communication. Every organization has struggles with, areas of opportunity with, and plans on how to improve communication. Communication is a cornerstone that when properly used drastically increases effectiveness. 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P_in= ∠«_ÃŽ »^(hc/ÃŽ »)ââ€"’ã€â€"Õ_0 (ÃŽ »)dÃŽ »Ã£â‚¬â€" Read MoreDemographics of the Aging Population1103 Words  | 5 PagesRunning head: DEMOGRAPHICS OF THE AGING POPULATION Demographics of the Aging Population University of Phoenix Health Care Consumer - Trends and Marketing HCS-490 Ann Fairchild July 31, 2011 Demographics of the Aging Population The aging population is one the most rapidly increasing issue across the nation today. According to demographic data, it has been gradually developing over the last two hundred years. It has become a factor in many countries. The aging population is a result of
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Analysis of Poem 305 by Emily Dickinson - 1175 Words
305 Reasons to Love Emily Dickinson Poem #305 The difference between Despair And Fearâ€â€is like the One Between the instant of a Wreck And when the Wreck has been The Mind is smoothâ€â€no Motion Contented as the Eye Upon the Forehead of a Bust That knowsâ€â€it cannot see Dickinsons poetic accomplishment was recognized during her time, but never has she been more acclaimed than she is toady. Readers immediately discovered a poet of immense depth and stylistic complexity whose work cannot be categorized. For example, though she frequently uses the common ballad meter associated with hymnody, her poetry is in no way constrained by that form; rather â€Å"she performs like a jazz artist who uses rhythm and meter to revolutionize†¦show more content†¦The word â€Å"contented†(Line 6) suggests that Dickinson accepted her role as a subservient woman in society because she felt unable to change her fate. In this acceptance of defeat, the fear of being a subjugated woman grows into despair after the realization that she could not change her fate. Dickinson uses this final simile to present the idea that the mind of a woman leads to knowledge of her status, which leads to despair. With the mention of the mind being smooth without motion ( Line 5), Dickinson describes the frenzied state of her thinking. Her description of a mind without motion alludes to the act of a mind flying through so many thoughts and feelings, all the while the body is motionless, patient in waiting to single out a thought to process and then elaborate on. Dickinson continues in line 6 with â€Å"Contented as the Eye,†where she relates the eye to the mind. Similarly, the eye can flicker on different images and see so many things, but is not always observant. The eye can spin around, looking and absorbing all the visuals in front of it, but it is confined in it’s socket, unable to go out and be part of the world it witnesses. Dickinson uses this simile to again emphasize her plight of being a woman and being trapped in the role society set for her. With the end of the second stanza, referencing the contented eye stuck on a bust that knows it cannot see, Dickinson fully realizes her life as a woman. This is when the reader c an seeShow MoreRelatedLogical Reasoning189930 Words  | 760 Pageslooking at alternative actions that can be taken, then considering the probable good consequences of each action and the probable bad consequences while weighing the positive and negative impact of each consequence. It’s a kind of cost-benefit analysis. Exercises 1. Columbus Day is an American holiday. Write a short essay that weighs the pros and cons and then comes to a decision about whether there should be more or less public celebration (by Americans and their institutions) on Columbus
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Importance Of Innovation Architecture - 1658 Words
The Importance of Innovation Architecture â€Å"Innovation generally refers to changing processes or creating more effective processes, products, and ideas (Business, 2017). Innovation mean to put in to place new ideas, generating powerful products, or improving your existing services (Business, 2017). Innovation can be a spark for the growth and success of a company, and help them to adapt and grow in the marketplace†(Business, 2017). Innovative is not only inventing, but changing your business model and adapting to changes in your environment to deliver better products or services. Successful innovation should be an in-built part of your business strategy, where you create a culture of innovation and lead the way in innovative thinking and†¦show more content†¦The cultural template in the pass will not work now (Krishnamoorthy, 2015). A new cultural template was made. This template was call the GE Beliefs. These beliefs are â€Å"customers determine our success, s tay learn to go fast, learn and adapt to win, empower and inspire each other, and deliver results in an uncertain world†(Krishnamoorthy, 2015). This is a culture the employees wanted to see implemented. All operating rhythm will have to be more agile, responsive, nimble, and focused (Krishnamoorthy, 2015). This caused the strategic planning to move from annually to quarterly. GE believes that companies should constantly examine their culture so it will not become an obstacle to change (Krishnamoorthy, 2015). Whirlpool is a successful innovation company. The company believes innovation is â€Å"the management system that drives a continuous flow of new ideas from concept to consumers†(Rapp, 2013). This company that realized they had to change their old platform from operational to a new platform called consumer focus (Norena, 2013). The consumer became the company focus. To make this happen the employees became a part of the innovation process (Norena, 2013). Innovati on was not limited to the engineers, but to everyone, and everywhere (Norena, 2013). Whirlpool looked for new ways to strengthen its position as leaders in new products, services, and business (Rapp, 2013). They were looking for ways to please the consumer so they would purchase the product, and comeShow MoreRelatedThe Importance Of Innovation Architecture1482 Words  | 6 PagesThe Importance of Innovation Architecture The importance of innovation architecture is to start with a vision and generate a company platform designed of new processes, create an open-culture and pursue a unique management system. All three of these components support and work well with innovation architecture. Google, Netflix and Ikea have built a framework designed of new company culture, management systems and process that have capitalized their business on innovation and intrapreneurship. GoogleRead MoreThe Importance Of Innovation Architecture Essay1481 Words  | 6 PagesThe Importance of Innovation Architecture The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines innovation as â€Å"a new idea, method, or device†or â€Å"the introduction of something new†(Merriam-Webster, 2016). â€Å"New†almost always means change, which is a word that often strikes fear into the hearts of those who simply like to keep things as they have always been. Companies who pursue innovation architecture must develop a culture of innovation that is deeply embedded in its DNA. Otherwise, ideas will perish from malnourishmentRead MoreThe Importance of Innovation Architecture1861 Words  | 8 PagesThe Importance of Innovation Architecture Grand Canyon University: ENT-435 11/16/2014 Here is a reminder from the syllabus about the assignment requirements: For this assignment, you will research the innovation architecture of at least three companies that are well-known for successfully supporting a culture of innovation. Write a 1,500-word paper that addresses the following: 1. What particular elements of each organization’s culture, processes, and management systems and styles workRead MoreThe Domain Of Service Oriented Architecture1090 Words  | 5 Pagesservice oriented architecture (SOA) Web oriented architecture (WOA). In this essay I have tried to understand the concepts of architecture styles, their importance in healthcare organizations, comparative study between both architecture based systems and their impacts on the business and took the effort to critically analyse the suitability to deploy these architecture based systems in the healthcare industry. Key words: Service oriented architecture (SOA), Web oriented architecture (WOA), HealthcareRead MoreUsing A Tool Of Stem Innovation1613 Words  | 7 PagesWhile working outside with my father building a tuff shed in the backyard, we needed to use a tool of STEM innovation. Can you guess what that innovation could be? It was the wheel barrow, now I know what you are saying, â€Å"The wheelbarrow isn’t a lever!†Actually the wheel barrow is an innovation of the lever because it has the components of a fulcrum, load, and effort force which is exerted. The wheelbarrow falls under first-class lever because the fulcrum placed between the load and effort to giveRead MoreWhat Changes Would You Go Up Down After Years Of Success?1382 Words  | 6 Pagesstockholders willing to invest money into my organization, in order to franchise and build brand recognition. In class, we discussed that innovation is change that adds value. Therefore, do you think the lack of innovative development caused your business to shut down? There are many factors that caused my business to shut down, so I wouldn t say that the lack of innovation was the only reasoning. However, it definitely played a tremendous role and affected my customer’s overall experience! As I mentionedRead MoreThe Civilization Of Ancient Rome1595 Words  | 7 Pagesempire to conquer most of the Mediterranean Sea basin, the first being the Ancient Greeks. After taking over the former Greek Empire, the Romans assimilated many aspects of Greek culture into their own, including the Greek Architecture. The main attributions to Ancient Roman architecture are cement, the arch, the vault, the dome and centralized road systems. The Roman Architectural Revolution is also known as the Concrete Revolution. This is because during the Roman Empire s thriving period, Roman architectsRead More Roman Empire Innovations Essay1583 Words  | 7 PagesRomans found new societal and technological innovations which led their empire to be a sustainable society. These innovations helped the Roman Empire to be successful and peaceful. They aided in making everyone content, including the conquered and prevented wars from breaking out within the empire. Technological innovations helped the citizens live a comfortable and healthy life. New innovations included new beneficial laws. The last king of Rome was Tarquin the Proud. A harsh tyrant, he was drivenRead MoreHow Technology Has Changed Our Lives1366 Words  | 6 Pagesinfluenced by its urban and natural landscape. Her mother, a geologist, was another way Weiss formed her interests the inclusion of the earth into her designs. Her educational background is in architecture, consisting of a Bachelor of Science in Architecture from the University of Virginia and a Masters of Architecture from Yale University. Some other influences of hers include the topography she encountered in her travels of Europe, including the great gardens of Italy and Spain. Weiss also worked forRead MoreInformation Technology : An Organization1049 Words  | 5 PagesInformation Technology (IT) is a critical and, oftentimes, complex component of an organization’s structure. Despite its importance, IT is often viewed as a ‘black hole’ by senior management of organizations- consuming valuable resources and asset s. Unfortunately, this mentality can greatly hinder the economic advancement capabilities and capacities of an organization. As previously indicated, IT is a critical component to both the daily and future business needs of an organization. Senior managers
Music and Religion in African-American Slave Culture Free Essays
The buying, selling, and trading of human beings for personal labor, slavery, Is often thought to be singlehandedly the most atrocious thing that mankind as a whole has created. The horrors these innocent men, women, and children faced on a day to day basis was parallelled perhaps only by the soldiers fighting the war over their freedom. Though slavery was full of negatives, it also blossomed with positives as a means to cope. We will write a custom essay sample on Music and Religion in African-American Slave Culture or any similar topic only for you Order Now African-American slaves used several aspects of their native African ulture to cope, two primary components being music and religion. Slaves worked under constant watch by their owners, constantly fearing punishment for a slip-up. Enslaved African-Americans obviously resented the way they were being treated, end devised ways to rebel against their owners right under their noses. Reaching back to their African roots, slaves sang seemingly harmless songs to one another as they worked under the sweltering sum Little did their owners know that the slaves had eaved intricate secret messages into their lyrical pieces, such as metaphors intended to ridicule their masters or to send signals to other slaves. Their music was a mix of tribal African rhythms and American religious music, as they relied heavily on their religion to cope from day to day. Even though their outlook was bleak, Slaves stayed positive in the face of sheer adversity through their faith. The most common faith emong slaves was that of christlanlty. he christlan doctrine being passed down from fathers to sons and so on, Initially, some slaves were not chrlstlan. and held fast to their old polytheistic beliefs from their home, Africa. Asslmllatlon was inevitable however, and nearly all negro slaves were converted Their native religion did not cease to exist, but rather lived on through a stylized take on christianity. They incorporated several aspects of the African religion with christianity, such as rituals and vocalization. Sometimes both religion and music came hand in hand to the slaves, who praised their Lord through song and dance. Slaves kept their heads high in hopes of being freed someday. Even today, the Influences of slave music and religion can be seen In modern religion, gospel music, hip-hop, rap. and the like. Even though slavery Is a memory many try to forget, It can still be remembered positively through the culture that emerged through the confinement How to cite Music and Religion in African-American Slave Culture, Papers
Patient Information Trends and Challenges †Free Samples to Students
Question: Discuss about the Patient Information Trends and Challenges. Answer: Introduction Information and communication technologies (ICTs) are used for enhancing health information system such that quality of health services can be improved. Patient information systems can be used for tracking health issues of patients which can act as inputs for diagnostic tools that bring insights for patients helping them in identifying treatment to improve their health conditions. This information system can be very useful for treating chronic and acute health illnesses. In the past few years, there have been many technological advances happening in the health space that are bringing better healthcare services and benefits for patients. Electronic medical records were introduced in health systems across countries initially at a low level as they needed significant investments to be made for implementations as well needed a large number of resources including working labour, finance, and technology. Thus, developing countries or low income countries like India and China were unable to adapt to these practices until International Organization for Standardization (ISO) came u with health architecture that brought a level of maturity in the health system component to reduce gaps in requirements and capacities. With this, many organizations stared to adopt health storage technologies using computers for recording data and making electronic transmissions of the health records. The health architecture provides standards for data interoperability, messaging, data management and vocabulary that are very important blocks in a health care system(Spohr, 2012). The storage systems allow hospital management to access the aggregated data of the patients in addition to the individual patient health information that brings them opportunities to enhance services in general for most patients thereby improving their healthcare services in response to getting the insights from the health records. This report is going to explore the case of a hospital that is planning to adopt a new in-patient data storage system as a part of their healthcare management systems. While the system would bring many benefits for the hospital management as well as patients as already discovered, there are also some likely risks that can affect the development, implementation, and operations of the new healthcare storage system considering that is going to be a huge ICT project for the hospital organization. It is essential to identify the kinds of risks that the hospital management or systems can face in case of the storage system project so that appropriate solutions can be determined that can help either avoid the situation of risk or mitigate its impacts to minimize the possible losses occurring because of these risks. Patient Health Information System A survey conducted on hospitals by WHO on the use of ICT in the healthcare system found that a huge amount of the information that is valuable for the healthcare organizations come from patient encounters with the health professionals and this data is collected from the patient over the time of his or her interaction with the hospital and healthcare professionals. This data obtained from patients can be aggregated based on which decisions can be taken by a hospital authority or the healthcare professional on general patient healthcare or on individual cases of patients This needs resource management, monitoring, evaluation, surveillance, and operational research. The data collected by healthcare professionals during the interaction with patients can be recorded in the storage systems such that it can be accessed, analysed and shared to give the personalized attention and care to the patient at a higher level. Electronic patient information systems can help hospitals improve their quality of services as well as reduce their costs with improved patient information. However, when a new organization is adopting health information or storage system, it needs them to convert their paper records to digital records which can be very challenging. The adoption of the technology in a hospital can happen at different levels of maturity as defined in the Capability Maturity Model (CMM) and these include initial level where individuals take initiative for adoption, at this level of early awareness some basic storage systems may be used by the hospital management, repeatable in which processes can be repeated with repeated outcomes received, defined in which the hospital has a standard process defined for adoption, the hospital would have standard set of guidelines adopted for managing data, services and business processes, managed in which the hospital not just has a standard process for adoption but also metrics for measurement of the performance of the output, the hospital would have some definite interoperability goals such as adoption of specific standards and shared understanding of the internal processes or data services, measured in which organization would have the established processes for measurement of the interoperability in the health organization, and Lastly, optimized that involves deliberate processes implemented for optimization or improvement which is facilitated by monitoring and feedback processes(?urkovi? Rakovi?, 2009). There are also some other technology adoption models that have been identified in the healthcare space such as HIMSS EMR Adoption Model which focuses on the management of the information of the hospital patient. It has levels from 0 to 7 beginning with some level of clinical automation, and is followed by establishing of a laboratory or a pharmacy, clinical document repository, clinical documentations like flow sheets and vital signs, decision support capacities that have evidence based protocols for medicine prescriptions, closed loop administrative environment providing patient service area, full documentation and charting of patient data, and implementation of a paperless EMR environment in which electronic records can be maintained as well as shared. There are a very few hospitals that have reached the stage seven of complete paperless environment. There are several benefits of having electronic health records in a hospital such as improved patient data collection, enhanced productivity of the hospital, better and real time access to data, reduced human errors, efficient usage of time, increased satisfaction in hospital visitors, improved communication within and with patients, and increased rate of immunization. HRs have been observed to bring improvements in diabetes care, preventive care service such as vaccination and occult blood testing, and establishing a culture of improvement in the organization for services. However, when observing the implementations happened in various hospitals, there were some disadvantages observed with this adoption such as slow access to the data, more time consuming data entry process and reduction in the quality of interaction between the patient and the doctor. Mobile based healthcare system is another growing area of development in the healthcare system that makes the patient information portal which is very useful considering the fact that a patient may not have only a single touch point with the hospital and thus, data may be collected from patients using a distributed healthcare network with mHealth systems. This would improve data collection capability of the hospital as well as would improve the quality of healthcare, safety and effectiveness of the system. Risk Management Planning Risk management is not a new practice and there are many tools as well as techniques that are available for identifying and managing risks in the information system development. With respect to information system, a risk can be considered as anything that can potentially cause harm in the future because of certain actions happening in the present. Risk management is about understanding as well as responding to the factors that can lead to the failure of security aspects such as integrity, confidentiality, and availability or any other harm happening to the organization that is using an information system. Risk management plans are developed for identification of risks and for planning the response to those risks. The risk management process in any system development project would go through a series of processes including establishing of context, identification of risks, assessment of risks, identification of risk treatments or responses, creation of a risk management plan, implementation of the risk management plan and its evaluation. Establishing context: In the initial stage of risk management, potentials risks on projects are identified and documented. This stage involves determination of the social scope of risk, objectives of the project stakeholders, availability of resources that could help mitigate the risk impacts, and the existing structures in the organization or the hospital that can be used for risk management. Risk Identification: Problems arising from risks can be effectively addressed if their causes are known at a granular level. A range of threats can arise from risks such as loss of money, loss of staff, loss of data, loss of property, and so on. These risks can be classified in several ways such as based on impact factors into operational, personnel, property related, program related, and so on. Risks can be identified using major risk impact areas such as use of unproven technologies, system requirements, software architecture, system performance and organizational areas of development(Boban, et al., 2003). Risk Assessment: At this stage, risks are assessed using a grading system in which the probability of occurrence of risk and the level of the severity of the impacts caused by risks are calculated such that results would help in prioritizing risks(Trahan, et al., 2012). Risk response: A risk can be responded to by avoiding it, reducing its impacts through mitigation, transferring the resulting loss to the partner, or retaining the risks when the losses are not very significant. A choice can be made based on the assessment of risk and the situation. The response is also affected by the level of tolerance of the risk which can be high in which case, the risk cannot be retained and has to be avoided but if low then it can be. Risk Management Plan: Once the risk response is identified, appropriate control or countermeasures are selected and risk management plan is developed. This plan usually involves creation of a risk management table containing details of risks, their likelihood of occurrence, level of severity of impact, risk assessment ranking, current status of risk, response action to be taken, who would be responsible for action, and the cost it would incur. Once the plan is developed and approved, it is implemented in an organization post which the outcomes are evaluated and reviewed to bring continuous improvement(John Snow, Inc., 2010). The two most important parts of the risk management planning are the identification of risks and mitigation strategies as they would determine what needs to be done while implementing the plan such that risks can be reduced. Risks can be known or unknown and the risk management plan can identify the known risks for proactive management through preventive actions while unknown risks can be handled by contingency planning. There are a variety of risk identification techniques available such as Delphi technique, Flowcharting, root cause analysis, Brainstorming, SWOT analysis, Cause and Effective analysis, Influence diagramming, and interviewing. There can be two types of mitigation strategies that include preventive actions that are intended to reduce the likelihood of the occurrence of the risk and contingency which deals with the actions that would reduce the severity of the impact of the risk(Tasmania Government, 2008). Risk response is largely dependent on the risk assessment results as they help in classifying and prioritising risks. The assessment involves analysis of the identified risks which can be either qualitative or quantitative. Qualitative analysis involved development of priorities based on several factors like probability of occurrence of the risk, corresponding impact, and other factors like risk tolerance of the project, time frame, project cost, schedule, quality requirements and project scope. There are several techniques available to be used for this analysis such as process assessment, probability distribution, impact analysis, sensitivity analysis, modelling, and simulation and decision tree analysis(Farahmand, 2004). A risk management plan documents the entire risk management process as it would be followed. The risk management plan mainly addresses following: Risk Management Procedures: The plan includes a summary of how risk management processes would be performed by explaining steps involved, approaches that would be used for identification of risk such as technical, managerial, and political, approaches that would be used for risk assessment including qualitative and quantitative risk analyses, response to each identified risk including mitigation and contingency measures, and approaches to risk monitoring, control, and reporting. Risk Management Tools: If there are any tools that would be used for recording the risk logs such as risk register then the same also has to be explained in the risk management plan. Project System boundaries The objective of this project is to develop a risk management plan for the implementation of an in-patient data storage system. The project activities include: Identification of trends in the use of ICT for hospitals and healthcare Understanding of how risk management works in hospital Exploring components of risk management including risk identification, risk assessment, and risk response planning Identifying risks that can occur on the project and analyse them qualitatively and quantitatively. Develop a risk management plan that includes risks, their ratings, and response plans Implementation plan for the in-patient data storage system that is proposed Implementation of the risk management plan in practice Risk Management Alternatives After the risks are evaluated along with their probability of occurrence and the possible level of severity of the corresponding loss, a risk management matrix can be prepared for specific level of the risk exposure such that the frequencies or probabilities of risks occurrences are plotted on one axis while relative severity is plotted on the other access. This matrix records only two variables for identifying risk management alternatives but there can be other factors that would also account in reality such as financial condition of the hospital, its size, and external market conditions. A simple risk matrix can be prepared as shown in the table below: Risk Solutions Low probability of risk High probability of risk Low Severity of Risk RetentionRetain the risk if it is not causing and major damage but its resolution would demand significant resources. risk reduction - Retention with control over the loss High Severity of Risk Transferget the insurance for the loss from the partner on the project Avoidance - take preventive measures to avoid risks from occurring Risk Transfer: In the situation where the probability of facing a risk is low but he severity is very high, the risk can be insured such that the hospital would not suffer from the loss in case of the risk. The transfer of risk to the other party can happen either through proper insurance or some kind of legal agreement. In case of the development of the storage solution, if the software does not give output then the risk can be put on the developer organization such that the risk of developing faulty software is not with the hospital sponsors but with the software developer. This strategy makes way for compartmentalization of risks by involving multiple parties to contract that share the liabilities. However, in the case of hospital, the human loss is not the risk that can be transferred(CDC, 2006). Risk Retention: In case a risk has low probability of occurrence and is also low on the severity of the impact on the project, the risk can be retained without doing any action. This method is used when the loss caused by the risk is not significant or affecting the project financially but if the resolution steps are taken then that would lead to consumption of a significant number of resources. For instance, if the software developed for the hospital comes up with some spelling errors inside the software then it would not cause any financial damage but if the same has to be corrected, the developers have to be deployed again for the correction. Risks are also retained in the cases where the company has losses but very less such that the risk can be tolerated. Whether the risk should be retained or not would be determined by the tolerability of the risk such that if it is high then risk may be retained but if it is low then either risk reduction is needed or an alternative response h as to be considered(Elky, 2007) Risk reduction: When the likelihood of the occurrence of the risk is high but the severity of its impact is low then the risks are retained but with measures taken for reduction of the risk as it can occur more frequently causing damages to the organization in the long run. For instance, any hospital equipment that may be used for recording the patient information or for diagnostics can wear and tear causing losses, in such a situation, the equipment can be maintained to ensure that the wear and tear is reduced. In this strategy, the objective of the risk response is to reduce the probability of the occurrence of the loss. However, this reduction cannot be used for the long run as the risk impacts can get pronounced in which case, preventive or other measures can be taken. Risk Avoidance: In situations where the probability of the occurrence of the risk is high as well as the severity of the impacts is high, the risks are usually avoided by taking preventive actions. In the case of the implementation of the patient data storage system in the hospital, certain risks can cause major harm and the probability of their occurrence may also be high such as incompatibility of the software with the systems used in the hospital and incompetence of the staff to use the developed system after implementation. In both the cases, the resolution is to avoid such risks as they can cause major damage to the project. The issue of incompatibility can be taken care of by testing or identifying system requirements at the time of development such that required systems are acquired before the solution is implemented. The problem of staff competence can be avoided by providing them sufficient training on the new system that is developed for the hospital so that they can use th e same after it is implemented and is made to go live. Risk management plan Risk Category Risk Probability of Occurrence Severity Risk Rating Response plan Human errors People are unable to understand the important requirements of integration between software and hardware leading to incompatibility of the software with the hardware. 3 3 9 Avoid: This condition can have major loss for the company as it would not be able to use the software without it showing compatibility for the hardware and thus, should be avoided and analysis for the need of upgrading hardware should be done before implementation such that the new hardware or systems are acquired before planning implementation. People not able to use the storage system 3 3 9 Avoid: the users of the software, ust be trained extensively before they actually made to work on the software after the implementation. Before going live a pilot testing must be done in which core users are trained and guided such that any challenges they face can be understood and overcome before actual launch of the application for the real usage of the system for the hospital The employees of the hospital are resistant to use the software 2 3 6 Avoid: This situation must be avoided as without the people accepting the software, the software would not deliver the desired results. The user buy-in can be taken by involving them in the earlier stages of the project such that they are motivated on the use of software by telling them about the benefits they would have by using the new software and their buy-in is sought. Lack of support from management causing delays in approvals for the implementation 2 3 6 Avoid: The management must be involved at the beginning of the project as well as throughout the development and implementation such that they are kept informed about the progress and are also educated on the benefits it would have for the hospital and for them. A core team member leaves the organization or the project at the time of implementation 1 3 3 Accept with risk reduction: If an employee leaves the project in between, the situation cannot be avoided nor can it be transferred to anyone but another employee can be involved to take over some part of the work of the person who left such that he risk is minimized. It would still affect the timelines probably as the reduced team size may not be able to handle the work as per the planned schedule but such loss has to be absorbed by the hospital unless the person left belongs to the developer team in which case the risk is already shared and the developer can be expected to absorb the loss and provided for the gaps. Testing Issues The software is not delivering outputs as expected or defined in the software requirement document 2 3 6 Avoid: The software must be tested before delivering it for implementation such that if there are any discrepancies or bugs found then they are rectified before the actual implementation happens. The software is unable to meet the requirements of the users sufficiently 3 2 6 Avoid: A user testing must be done before the actual launch of the software where people were asked if their needs are met such that if there are any gaps found, the same could be rectified before the final implementation happens(WALLMLLER, 2011) Operational Issues The software does not turn out to be as useful as it was expected 1 3 3 Mitigate: In case the software does not appear to help the company must despite all the care taken for ensuring that requirements are met then the company has to identify a way to increase the value of the solution for the team such that the loss can be minimized by making the maximum use of the software that has already been paid for The software is taking a lot of time to operate which is discouraging the staff 3 3 9 Avoid: If the users are well trained on how the use the software and how to operate fast on that by the developer representatives then such a situation can be avoided. However, if the software is already complex and slow in operations, a mitigation strategy has to be devised and the employees have to be made to accept the changes and learnt to use the software despite the challenges. Technical Issues The software is very slow or not performing as per expectations 1 3 3 Mitigate: In case the software is causing some problems, the developer staff must be involved in performing analysis to identify the causes of the same such that the fault can be rectified and the problem can be resolved. In case the problem could not be resolved by the developer, the risk has to be transferred to the developer as he was responsible for delivering fault free software. Conclusions This report was prepared to understand how risk managemnt plans are created and a case of in-patient storage system for hospitals was taken to understand the practical application of risk management. The report covered various components of risk management that included risk identification, risk assessment and risk response. It defined the process of risk management as well as the process of the risk management planning. It was found that risks were assessed on the basis of the probability of occurrence of a risk and the severity of the damage it can cause on the project the response for the risk was decided on the basis of multiple factors that included likelihood of occurrence, severity of risk, financial considerations and so on. The report came up with a risk management plan considering the project that involved implementation of the new software for the organization. It was found that a lot of problems are human specific and most of the risks can be avoided which can be the best course of action in risk management. However, some risks cannot be avoided in which case they are mitigated if the impact is severe or accepted if the tolerance is high and the resolution would take significant resources of the organization. References Boban, M., PoÃ… ¾gaj, Ã… ½. Serti?, H., 2003. STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESSFUL SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT RISK MANAGEMENT. Management, 8(2), pp. 77-91. CDC, 2006. CDC Unified Processes Practice Guidance for Risk Managment, s.l.: CDC. ?urkovi?, O. Rakovi?, L., 2009. Risks in Information Systems Development Projects. Management Information Systems, 4(1), pp. 013-019. Elky, S., 2007. An Introduction to Information System Risk Management, s.l.: SANS Institute. Farahmand, F., 2004. Developing a Risk Management System for Information Systems Security Incidents , s.l.: Georgia Institute of Technology. John Snow, Inc., 2010. Developing a Risk Management Plan, s.l.: USAID. Spohr, M., 2012. Management of Patient Information Trends and Challenges in Member statess, s.l.: s.n. Tasmania Government, 2008. Developing a Risk Management Plan, s.l.: Tasmania Government. Trahan, C., Barbosa, I. Gallet, S., 2012. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY RISK MANAGEMENT PLAN, s.l.: Lamar Institute of Technology. WALLMLLER, D. E., 2011. Risk Management for IT and Software Projects, s.l.: Qualitt und Informatik.
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