Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The American Physical Therapy Association - 917 Words
If you look at any company or organization, you are bound to find a list of values, things that others view as positive qualities in a person. These could be things such as honesty, knowledge, diligence, and compassion. Values set up a foundation for the organization, something for their employees to follow and exemplify in their service to the general public. Employees can use their organization’s values to see what their strengths are and where they need to improve. Values also provide a reference point when hiring new employees, helping employers to see which individuals are already living the organization’s values. The American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) has such a list of values, which they refer to as ‘Core Values’. These are Accountability, Altruism, Compassion/Caring, Excellence, Integrity, Professional Duty, and Social Responsibility. It is important for me, as a future Physical Therapist Assistant, to look at the APTA’s Core Values and see where my strengths and weaknesses lie. Out of these Core Values, I feel that I am strongest is Compassion/Caring. Throughout my life, I have always been concerned with the wellbeing of others. I try my best to help those around me whenever I can. A huge part of the value of Compassion/Caring is considering the needs of others, attending to those needs, and helping others feel that they are worth something. When I was in high school, a friend of mine called me one day, asking for my help. She had gotten some bad newsShow MoreRelatedThe American Physical Therapy Association: Identifying Education Opportunities for Practicing Physical Therapists542 Words  | 2 PagesThe physical therapy profession is, as with other health and medical specialty areas, concerned with currency in the education and training of certified specialists. In fact, many institutions, organizations, and companies insist that physical therapists in their employee pool regularly earn continuing educati on credits (CEC) to ensure that they keep up to date on changes in their fields. Continuing education credits are designed to ensure the minimum requirements of contemporary physical therapyRead MorePhysical Therapy And Occupational Therapy1633 Words  | 7 PagesPhysical/Occupational Therapy Abstract The history of Physical Therapy and Occupational was first developed in 1912; President Mary McMillan, an executive committee of elected officers, led the association. Physical therapy is a healthcare profession primarily concerned with the remediation of impairments and the disabilities of people. PTs diagnose and treat individuals of all ages with injuries that limit movement and the ability to perform functional activities in their daily lives.Read MorePhysical Therapy Is The Health Profession1171 Words  | 5 PagesPhysical therapy is the health profession that provides treatment and management of physical disability, malfunction, or pain via various modalities, and without the use of medicines, surgery, or radiation [1]. An individual who practices physical therapy is known as a physical therapist. Physical therapists are experts of the musculoskeletal and neuromuscular systems, and they evaluate and treat patients for issues that involve those systems [2]. The role of a phy sical therapist is to evaluate patientsRead MorePhysical Therapy For The Rehabilitation Process1368 Words  | 6 PagesPhysical Therapy Definition of Physical Therapy Physical therapy is the treatment of deformity, injury, or disease by healthcare professionals, physical therapists, through hands-on methods such as massage, exercise, or heat treatment so that drugs or surgery may not be needed. In physical therapy sessions therapists work with patients to help them improve their movement so that they are able to manage their pain. Physical therapy is an active profession with a scientific base that helps patientsRead MoreOccupational Therapists And The Occupational Therapy1301 Words  | 6 PagesTherapy can help many aspects of a persons life. There are different injuries or birth defects that need to be treated to perform everyday activities. A variety of different therapy methods and treatments, depending on the personal weakness, can help improve someone’s everyday life. Occupational therapists help all ages improve their daily activities. This specific therapy helps rehabilitate people who need â€Å"specialized assistance to lead independent, productive, and satisfying lives due to physicalRead MorePhysical therapist assistant (PTAs) provide physical therapy procedures under the supervision of a1200 Words  | 5 PagesPhysical therapist assistant (PTAs) provide physical therapy procedures under the supervision of a physical therapist, is the responsibility of the PTAs to keep a record of the patient’s responses to treatments and report it to the Physical Therapist. PTAs help patients of all ages to recover from injuries and illnesses to regain movement, relieve pain and prevent permanent physical disabilities. The treatment procedures that a PTA provide may include exercises, massages, training for activitiesRead MorePhysical Therapy, Pt, And Occupational Therapy966 Words  | 4 PagesPhysical therapy, PT, and occupational therapy, OT , are two careers that help people heal and rehabilitate. PTs and OTs may seem similar at a glance, but they have just as many differences. The job descriptions and history vary, but the salary, requirements, and goals are fairly alike. They both take much skill and expertise, and few people actually understand the difference between the two. Therapy is the treatment of disease or disability through rehabilitation processes. Both physicalRead MoreReflection1253 Words  | 6 Pagesthree formal workshops and the resultant changes implemented in the courses I instruct (see workshop certificates in Section II.E.1). In the summer of 2014 I attended the Faculty Development Workshop for Physical Therapists and Physical Therapists Assistants through New York Physical Therapy Association. This comprehensive workshop provided insight regarding numerous topics including: describing characteristics of the landscape of higher education, creating faculty development plans for career growthRead MorePhysical Therapy For The Rehabilitation Process1485 Words  | 6 PagesPhysical Therapy Definition of Physical Therapy Physical therapy is the treatment of deformity, injury, or disease by healthcare professionals, physical therapists, through hands-on methods such as massage, exercise, or heat treatment so that drugs or surgery may not be needed. In physical therapy sessions therapists work with patients to help them improve their movement so that they are able to manage their pain. Physical therapy is an active profession with a scientific base that helps patientsRead MoreEthics in Physical Therapy1741 Words  | 7 PagesEthics in Physical Therapy One of the most rapidly growing occupations in the United States today is Physical Therapy. The United States Department of Labor has projected 23,000 unfilled physical therapist positions in the year 2000 and a lack of qualified physical therapists to fill them ( While Physical Therapy grows rapidly, questions of ethics in this field have also grown in large quantities. Physical therapy is the treatment of disease through physical means, including
Monday, December 16, 2019
The Monster Within By Jeffrey Dahmer - 852 Words
The Monster Within, a documentary released in early 2002, follows the life of the world’s most notorious serial killer, Jeffrey Dahmer. The documentary follows the life of Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer told from his father’s, Lionel Herbert Dahmer, side of things. Jeffrey Dahmer killed seventeen men, had sex with their corpses, and ate them. It focuses on Dahmer’s sexuality, his reason of doing these things, and the timeline of his life and murders. There were many interesting facts used in the documentary that really keeps the viewers mind focused, and surprised with every detail stated. Jeffrey Dahmer stated that the flesh would be kept in acid from one to two weeks to decompose, and become â€Å"jelly†. This relates to the documentary because it described one of the many ways Dahmer would keep his murders a secret. Dahmer’s documentary also opened the conversation of child predators, which Dahmer was, he prayed on all age’s not just older men, but younger men. He got away with it multiple times, the documentary discusses how child predators usually kill their victims in fear they will go, and tell on their predator. In 1988, Dahmer lured a young man to his home, but let him free due to his grandmother, whom he lived with at the time, arriving home earlier. In this case one of Dahmer’s youngest victim, Konerak Sinthasomphone, whom was the younger brother of a male that Dahmer lured into his home in 1988 before his grandmother interrupted, was drugged and taken into Dahmer’s home.Show MoreRelatedJeffrey Dahmer, The Milwaukee Monster 1367 Words  | 6 PagesJeffrey Dahmer is one of the most well-known serial killers of all time. He earned this reputation by his sick and twisted ways of killing and preserving his victim’s body parts. From organizing bones in filing cabinets to freezing internal organs for later consumption, Dahmer proved to be a very sick and twisted individual. Throughout this paper it will be analyzing and discussing the life and possible diagnosis of Jeffrey Dahmer, the Milwaukee monster. Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer was born inRead MoreComparison Of Mass Murderers And Jaffrey Dahmer801 Words  | 4 Pagescomplicated. These vicious killers are all violent, brutal monsters and have an abnormal urge to kill. Jaffrey Dahmer and Montress; two horrifying serial killers. Jaffrey Dahmer who is controlled by his sick fantisies and desires to kill men, where Montressor is another insane killer who brutaly killed his friend for vengence. These two characters are equally horrible in consideration of their deeds, For these two notorious murderers, Jeffrey of all the killings he did was to fulfill his interest andRead MoreSerial Murders Are Not Indigenous, Nor Are They A New Phenomenon1157 Words  | 5 Pagescharacteristics such as quantity, time, and place are all put into consideration when classifying a murderer as a serial killer (FBI). The Federal Bureau of Investigation definition states that three or more murders must take place at different locations within a thirty day period while allowing for a â€Å"cooling-off period†between each murder. These murders show no apparent motive besides personal gratification for the killer (Johnston). Ambiguous repetitive murders are often th e hardest cases to solve andRead MoreThe Crimes and Trial of Jeffrey Dahmer1584 Words  | 6 PagesName Professor Date The Crimes and Trial of Jeffrey Dahmer The people who knew Jeffrey Dahmer best never suspected that there was a grotesque serial killer within their mist. As a young boy Dahmer was extremely vicious, he loved to imitate mentally challenged people like it was the best game he had ever played. He was considered funny by his class mates but, in a very cruel way. During high school, his fellow classmates defined him as definitely a bit different but not dangerous. Little didRead MoreSilence Of The Lambs By Hannibal Lecter2109 Words  | 9 PagesThe last thing anyone wants is a monster under the bed, but what is even scarier is the though that a monster could be living right next door. In Hannibal Lecter’s case, he would be sitting across from a patient, listening to their deepest, darkest thoughts while simultaneously wondering which human organ he’ll be eating for dinner. Silence of the Lambs is a renowned movie that has been labeled as one of the best horror films of all time. This popular thriller embodies the life of serial killer andRead MoreThe Creation of a Serial Killer: Nature vs. Nurture Essay1120 Words  | 5 Pagesthe idea that an individual’s makeup can have an effect on their actions. Additionally, in 1915 certified behavior psychologist Sigmund Freud claimed that active stimuli in humans push them into action and that these active stimuli are emanating within the organism and penetrating to the mind (Weiner 12). If this stands true in our world today, that would mean that humans do not have control over their actions when it comes to that ‘fight or flight response.’ With reference to that, serial killersRead MoreSerial Killers, Are They Born or Made?3551 Words  | 15 Pagesserial killers and picked apart their minds, to find out what it is that makes them feel the need to perform these heinous crimes. It is the nature theory that they are looking for when they examine a brain. They are looking for some sort of a defect within their brain that would account for the actions that they did. A goal of the psychologist is to use the information they find, to be able to discover how to determine who is, or who will become a serial killer, before they k ill anyone so that theyRead MoreSerial Killers, Nature Vs. Nurture1770 Words  | 8 Pagesinmates and it exemplified that their brains were indeed affected by trauma (Solano, 2015). Research shows that serial killers do not commute and use emotions in general. This would explain why they have such a microscopic understanding of empathy within themselves. It would be a leading cause for why they kill, rape, and abuse. In ‘The Stranger Beside Me’ novel by Ann Rule she elaborates of her and Bundy’s friendship of 17 years, and how they worked side by side in a Crisis Clinic in Seattle; BothRead More Serial Killers: Monsters or Mentally Ill Essay1571 Words  | 7 Pageschildren to not know how to interact with others in the real world they think that it is okay to violate personal space because they were never taught what that was. With the isolation and feelings of oddity in the child, they begin to manifest fantasies within their own mind (Miller, 2014, p.14) . Many times the child starts out with violent sexual fantasies that they would like to act out but do not have an execution plan so they experiment on inanimate objects or even themselves or family members who willRead MoreMonsters = Homosexual. Anything That Is Abnormal Or Non-Traditional1082 Words  | 5 PagesMonsters = Homosexual Anything that is abnormal or non-traditional is considered a basis for discrimination and prejudice. Anything that threatens the social concept of â€Å"normal†is considered wrong or even sinful. That is why when we talk about religion, instead of acceptance we talk about â€Å"right from wrong†using the religion’s perspective of fact. To many people being homosexual is a sin; it is an act of the devil. Many more people believe that it is a choice and that people chose to live their
Sunday, December 8, 2019
MANET Routing Protocol in VANET
Question: Discuss about the MANET Routing Protocol in VANET. Answer: Introduction The paper depicts the strength and weakness of MANET (Mobile Ad hoc Network) routing protocol in VANET (Vehicular Ad hoc Network) in accordance to the provided article. VANET is a subclass of MANET type network. Nowadays, co friendly transportation has become one of the most overriding wireless networking protocols and VANET is one of them(Maratha) . Thus, VANET can be distinguished from other protocols by defining the strength and weakness of the real life example mentioned in the article. In real time systems several simulators come under consideration to determine the positive and negative perspectives. Strength and weakness of MANET routing protocol in VANET Strength In this article the modern approach of Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) that is able to mitigate all the issues occurred in the primitive approaches of ITS, are mentioned. In MANET all the considerable nodes are mobile and it required ad hoc type routing protocol. While reviewing the paper, other strengths are also found. These are as followed: 1. It demonstrates that the RSU are becoming expensive everyday thus, to reduce the cost effectiveness utilization of VANET protocol is adopted in vehicular communication system. 2. AODV is referred to as backtracking learning as the data packets do not get lost between the communication paths. 3. (Maratha), stated that a geographic protocol is also implemented to measure accurate GPS in order to search an exact node for data transfer between vehicles. 4. How the DSDV has comparatively less amount of disconnection than AODC and DSR and capability of the GPS to select a collision free road to avoid fluctuation during communication is also stated in this article. 5. The paper also illustrates that AODV is not costly as only the required routers are presented in its table for calculation and due to increment in AODV protocol in most cases the VANET uses it. Weakness The article is based on a particular case study and the overall protocol utilization techniques are not covered thus, the knowledge gets bounded regarding MANET in VANET protocol is the major weakness. After reviewing the paper some other weaknesses are also determined. These are as followed: 1. It mentioned that in primitive transportation systems, traffic, time wastage used to occur due to lack of emerging technologies and routing protocols of Ad hoc on demand distance vectors, DSR and DSDV of MANET were utilized in node based routing that leads to spontaneous breaking of the nodes. 2. The frequent breaking causes dynamic changes in routing that is another weak point mentioned in this article. 3. Usage of these protocols in the high level mobility ambiance causes lots of loss of datagram within the channel and loss of data packets leads to failure in sending acknowledges from the sender side that might cause long delay with a lower throughput mentioned in this article. 4. Another weakness of the paper is it stated improper evaluation of selected router causes information loss, extreme collision, and time delay. 5. In AODV the discovery of the route delay is measured to be very high and is reflected in this article. 6. As the article considered a case study thus it mentioned that DSDV is better performing in high way scenarios but it has a tendency to drop datagram during collision and if the number of nodes increases it is not efficient this is another weakness of the article. Conclusion From the overall review of this article it can be concluded that the paper presented a comparative analysis on routing protocols for Mobile and Vehicular Ad hoc Networks. It is found that the implementation of AODV routing protocol in VANET increase the performance of Intelligent Transport System than other routing protocols used in transportation. Different metric also compare the performance of the routing protocols. Finally, it can be said that in order to build a smart transportation system implementation of VANET wireless network technology is highly required in MANET to improve the performance. Works Cited Maratha, Tarek R Sheltami, and Khaled Salah. Performance Study of MANET Routing Protocols in VANET (2016).
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Nature of Partnerships free essay sample
Nature of Partnerships When starting a business, it can be with a sole proprietorship, a partnership, or as a company. A partnership is the most popular and the easiest to form. Partnerships combine individual talents and skills together for a hopefully successful business enterprise venture. Man has realized that it is easier to do something with the help of others than singly. Partners, also, provide a greater chance of obtaining equity capital for their business venture, while sharing the risks that go along with a rapidly growing business. There are basically three types of partnerships: the general artnership, the limited partnership, and the limited liability partnership. This paper discusses the general partnership. The definition of a partnership is the association of two or more persons to carry on as co-owners of a business for profit . Partnerships may be formed as a formal agreement or informally with a handshake. Either way, a partnership agreement should be written up with all the aspects of the partnership covered. We will write a custom essay sample on Nature of Partnerships or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Once the partnership agreement is filled out and agreed on by all partners, each partner will need to sign stating they are in agreement. A artnership agreement helps to alleviate any conflicts that may arise at any future date. When accounting for a partnership, it will depend on the accounting method stated in the partnership agreement. If any noncash assets were contributed, these will need to be assigned a fair value. Any noncash assets brought to the partnership are the property of the partnership . Each partner investing capital will have to be agreed upon by all partners. This investment will determine the ratio or percentage of net profit or loss to be divided between each partner. If there is no ratio or ercentage stated in the partnership agreement, then everything is divided equally. When setting up the accounting for the business, most accounting methods have multiple accounts for each partner. These accounts are the capital account, which shows the initial investment of each partner, the drawing account, showing any withdrawals taken over a years time, and the loan account, where partners can take a loan from the business. The capital account can be maintained in two different ways: the fluctuating capital method or the fixed capital method . The division of net profit equally. To account for this division, say S, T, and U decided to set up a partnership. S contributes $40,000, T contributes $30,000, and U contributes $30,000. This would be a ratio of 4:3:3. The total contributed to the partnership is $100,000. Profit for the first year is $300,000. Because the ratio is 4:3:3, Ss net capital would be $120,000. T and Us net capital would be $90,000 each, for a total of $300,000. If the partnership decides to add a partner, whatever was determined in the partnership agreement will determine what steps to take for adding this new partner. Adding a new partner normally adds profitability. If the partners decide to cease operations, there are two alternatives to help them decide which approach is better for the business: liquidation or dissolution. Liquidation refers to the complete sale of the business assets and dissolution refers to the closure of a business, often on voluntary terms of the business owner. Liquidation means that the business is closing its doors and liquidating all noncash assets and liabilities. Dissolution may mean that the partnership is dissolving and a new partnership, another partnership or business is buying out the business, or the business is dissolving. When considering dissolution, there are two types, a technical dissolution and a general dissolution . A technical dissolution is when there is a change in the composition of the bus iness. A general dissolution is a complete dissolution or winding up of the partnership and the business. The dissolution may result with a mutual agreement of all partners, a partner being served notice, a court order, fraud, misrepresentation, or illegal activity, or where the business is not making a profit. Whether liquidating or winding up a business, transactions to process are the collection of receivables, conversion of oncash assets to cash, payments to creditors, liabilities closed out, and the remaining distribution of net balance to the partners, in cash . When starting a business with a partnership, it is with the intent purpose of longevity.
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