Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Individual Needs in Health Social Care Essays
Individual Needs in Health Social Care Essays Individual Needs in Health Social Care Paper Individual Needs in Health Social Care Paper Essay Topic: Health What is this unit about? The aim of this unit is to the aim of this unit is to enable learners to gain the knowledge, understanding and skills related to meeting individual needs. Knowledge and understanding of the needs of individuals is fundamental to delivering effective health and social care. Assessment of the needs of individuals is necessary before a plan can be developed to meet their needs. In this unit learners will explore different needs in relation to MASLOWS hierarchy of needs and consider how needs may vary at different life stages. The unit requires learners to gather relevant information from an individual to enable identification of the general needs of an individual and to use the information from this assessment to develop a plan to improve the individual’s general health and wellbeing. Scenario: you are a trainee health and social care support worker. You have been asked your supervisor to prepare a presentation detailing an action plan created by you for an individual that will help them to improve their overall health and well being. Learning outcomes: On completion of this unit a learner should: Know everyday needs of individuals. Understand factors that influence the health and needs of individuals. Be able to plan to meet the health and wellbeing needs of an individual. Section 1: p1 outline the everyday needs of individuals All human beings have needs. Some of these needs are universal but others vary according to life stag. According to Abraham Maslow, all individuals have five main hierarchy needs which are required for development and survival. This is shown in his hierarchy of needs. All humans being have physical, intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual needs (pies) that very across P.I.E.S.S Physical needs: Physical aspects are all the needs we have to keep our bodies working as well as they can. Everyone’s bodies are different, there are certain we all share, such as good and nutritious food, clean water, shelter and an unpolluted environment to live in. sometimes we take part in activities which can be harmful to us physically, such as taking drugs, smoking, drinking alcohol excessively or not taking enough exercise. These damage our bodies so that our physical needs are not met. Intellectual needs: this needs develop and keep our brains working as well as possible. They include mental activity and stimulation to keep us motivated and interested, rather than bored. Children meet their intellectual needs by constantly exploring and questioning the world around them. With intellectual achievements and learning throughout our lives to keep our brain active. Emotional needs: emotional needs are met when we experience things that make us feel happy and wanted and give us a positive self-concept, such as affection, good relationships, fulfilment, love and respect. Emotional needs changes as we grow and develop. We need to be able to feel, express and recognise different emotions in order to cope with different situations that arise throughout our lives. Sometimes these emotions can be sad, such as grief after the death of a friend or relative. Social needs: these are the aspect of our life that enables us to develop and enjoy good relationships and friendships with others. It is important that we have family and friends, and belong to groups or are part of a community, in order to have a sense of belonging and to feel that we are accepted. Spiritual needs: spirituality means different things to different people. That will include religion or what providers a sense of personal meaning throughout your life. Spiritual needs are needs based on our personal beliefs and are unique to each of us. Needs in relation to life stages Human have similar needs however needs are very even though at every single stage of life we have the same needs, (as shown in Maslow’s hierarchy). In order to develop positively, the way we fulfil these needs vary according to age. The information below is a summary of our P.I.E.S.S at different life stages. Infants(0 to 3 years) They like to be fed to have everything done for them. To have lots of sleep. Have toys and books help them to learn and develop their cross and fine motor. Children(4 to 10) On this age children are learning to be more independent so they need to have the opportunities to develop independence in all aspect of PIES needs. They are further developing their motor skills and will be playing with more advanced toys. Adolescents(11 to 18) It when you are usually going trough puberty and starting to change into an adult. Friendship needs become particularly important as you form more intimate relationships associated with your sexual and emotional development. Adulthood(19 to 65) Adulthood is the stage of life when most people start to feel that they understand and accept themselves and begin to feel more settled. Adults tend to spend a lot of time making decisions, such as where to live, who to live with, whether to get married and have children, what job to do. In any age group the importance of different health needs changes with time but, because the different stages of adulthood are longer, so adults have more varying needs. Later adulthood (old age) In this age peoples bodies gradually change and start to wear out little. They will have more needs as they get older, such as access to convenient health and leisure facilities. They can retire from work and their children have usually moved out so they can spend their days doing the things they have always to do, provided they remain healthy and have saved for retirement.
Friday, November 22, 2019
6 Reasons to Graduate Early From College
6 Reasons to Graduate Early From College Graduating college early is not for everyone. Most students need the full four years, or even five, to complete their education. But for those who have amassed enough credits and have fulfilled their general education and major requirements, there are some reasons for finishing a semester or even a year early. Here are some of the reasons: Saving Money One of the biggest reasons for graduating in less than four years is to save the cost of tuition and housing. The cost of college can put a grave strain on a family’s finances or rack up future debt for the student. By graduating early a student can ease this economic burden and save tens of thousands of dollars. Getting to the Job Market Sooner In addition to saving on tuition, a student who graduates college early can begin earning early. Instead of spending tuition dollars in what would have been their senior year, early graduates can begin earning an income. Interviewing Off Season  In the fall of senior year, there is a big rush to the job market for students graduating in May and June. Students who finish college early and are ready for the job market in January may find themselves competing in a less crowded field. Applying to Graduate or Professional School Students finishing their bachelors degrees early who plan to apply to graduate or professional school will have more time to prepare for their entrance exams and complete their applications and any interviews that the process requires. Get a Break Many colleges graduate their students in May or June. Full-time jobs for these students sometimes begin only a few weeks later. By graduating early, students give themselves time for a break, perhaps some travel or time with their families or potentially a useful internship. Once students enter the job market they may have very little vacation time in their new position and graduating early may give them the last block of free time they will have for perhaps many years. Shorten a Very Long Road For students planning to go on to professional or graduate school, particularly medical school, there are many years of schooling ahead. Graduating early offers a break and chance to do something else for a period of time in what is a very long academic journey. Other Things to Keep in Mind These are all good reasons for graduating college early yet while explaining how their students can graduate early, Duke University offers an alternative view, â€Å"Bear in mind that your college years come at a special time in your life and are a rare opportunity for you to engage so freely and intensely in your development, intellectual and otherwise. Think twice before cutting your Duke career short. As an alternative to graduating early, even if you are eligible to do so, you might think about enriching your experience by taking a semester to travel or study abroad.†Sue Shellenbarger, in an article about exploring early college graduation for the Wall Street Journal, explains that she regrets her decision to graduate in less than four years and explains, â€Å"I went through undergrad school in three and a half years, and I wish now I had done more extracurricular activities and had a little more fun. Our working lives are decades long, and I constantly tell my own two college students that their university days offer an opportunity for reflection and exploration. The one thing early graduates dont need to worry about missing? The graduation ceremony with their class, Most colleges (and any student considering an early graduation should check with their school) are delighted to have early graduates partake in all of the year-end graduation festivities.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Importance Of The Sex Education In Cameroon Research Paper
Importance Of The Sex Education In Cameroon - Research Paper Example The link between knowledge and an informed stance is very clear and education is the primary basis of grooming children to give them the knowledge to make informed decisions. It is very simple to point the culprit of HIV and teen pregnancies; the lack of sex education. Therefore, schools or special projects must introduce programs to increase awareness on these issues at a basic level. Consequences of unprotected sex must be told to children so that they can make an informed stance. They need to make decisions and understand the grave nature of their actions. The lack of this education has led to the current situation with increasing rates of HIV and teen pregnancies. As of 2010, 14.23 percent teens in the 10 to 19 years age group represent teen pregnancies (Tebeu et al., 2010). The rise in teen pregnancies, in particular, suggests that teens are involved in sexual experimentation without adequate knowledge of the consequences. Peer pressure is also a major factor to spread the acts of unprotected sex by following a larger group. Teens making uninformed decisions can only lead to the spread of the problem by making others follow in their footsteps. Students who deal with low self-esteem and confidence are more likely to be influenced by peer pressure (â€Å"HIV & AIDS,†2011). There has to be a barrier to stop or reduce this effect. These peers replace the role of what sex education is supposed to provide. Instead of getting reliable information, teens follow their unguided fellows. The responsibility for the lack of this knowledge falls on the parents and the education system. They are the two main factors involved in grooming teens and imparting necessary knowledge before they form adults. Furthermore, parents are often hesitant to discuss sex with teens and it is against the culture to discuss sex within family norms (Cormier, 2013).
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Do the questions below. ( every questions should be more than 200 Term Paper - 4
Do the questions below. ( every questions should be more than 200 words) - Term Paper Example If, however, the apple goes rotten, then the use value diminishes to almost nothing. Utility is defined differently from use-value because the utility of an object can change depending on its condition. Many modern economists confuse these terms because they are very similar in meaning. But Marx says that utility can change because of the relationship between a human and an object such as the apple. Unlike use-value, which defines the usefulness of an object, the exchange-value is defined in terms of price. Marx, however, was not referring to currency because the value of money can change dramatically. What Marx was alluding to was price in terms of the values of other commodities that can be traded in exchange for an item. When a trade takes place, the utility of the traded object is not gained, but rather the use-value of that object until such time when a person decides to gain the exchange-value of the item. No, Marx would not agree with this statement because the labor process contributes towards the production of an item of value. Every commodity ever produced has required some form of labor to help the product be ready for sale. Labor can be broken down into many forms, but commodities that have an exchange-value do have value in the form of labor. For example, to produce a wooden desk or a pen requires a labor process to make sure that they are produced of high quality. The labor processes for these two items are very different, yet they both require labor to give the object some value. The wooden desk needs to have wood cut, sanded, and put together in order to produce the final product. On the other hand, a pen does not require hard manual labor and in fact a machine can help to produce much of it. People make up much of the labor process (except for objects which can be produced by machines) and so they contribute value towards making the object. Without labor being counted as value, it would be difficult to define the value of an
Sunday, November 17, 2019
The Influence of the Roman Empire Essay Example for Free
The Influence of the Roman Empire Essay The culture of ancient Rome casts a long shadow over our lives in the twenty-first century. Even if we don’t remember the origins, the influence of the ancient Romans can be seen all around us. Many buildings of high importance in the western world show the traditions of Roman architecture. The founding fathers of the United States drew upon Roman examples to craft our laws and design our system of government. The Roman influence on language, politics and military science are immeasurable. The ancient Romans were the world’s first superpower. Their achievements, and the seeds of their destruction, are mirrored in our society today. Master Builders The Romans were master builders. Combining what they knew from Greek architecture with their own innovations they constructed spectacular monuments roads aqueducts, arenas and other structures. Many of today’s buildings show the direct influence of ancient Rome. The Romans revolutionized road building. Their systems of roads are the models for our modern day cities. Advances in concrete production made these roads and many other buildings possible. The Romans might have been remembered even if this was their only accomplishment. The source of their vast influence on modern construction stems from their abilities to combine technological advances with functionality and aesthetics. The Romans also perfected the science of arch building. That science is alive and well today in our bridges and buildings. The Romans realized that the arch was an extremely strong, as well as beautiful, architectural form. They used it to full effect in their forums, aqueducts, churches and monuments. Our modern sports stadiums still resemble the Roman prototypes. The Romans devised an ingenious design to move large numbers of people in and out efficiently. The Flavian amphitheatre could seat 50,000 spectators, a number rivaling many of today’s stadiums. The ancient Romans were early innovators of â€Å"big entertainment.†Fox writes that the Romans were â€Å"conspicuous in history for the scale of public entertainment. The huge arenas hosted music, plays, chariot races and gladiator games. Like today, these entertainments were a cultural touchstone for the ancient Romans. One way the early Roman republic communicated with the citizens was through its coinage. The government often added phrases to the coins when minted. These phrases might state the grandeur of the empire or communicate the expectations of the larger state to each individual citizen. The coinage tradition has continued to this day. Most U.S. currency bears a phrase such as â€Å"E Pluribus Unum†(out of many, one). Not coincidentally, these phrases are written in Latin, the language of the ancient Romans. This is just one indicator of the influence of the Latin language throughout the world. As an empire, the Romans carried the language and tradition of Latin through large portions of the world. â€Å"Latin remained for centuries the common language of Europe and for longer still the language of the Catholic Church†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Wells, 1984). The Republic The Roman republic was in place prior to 500 B.C. In 100 B.C. Julius Caesar was born, beginning the succession of Julio-Claudian leaders. By 79 A.D. the empire had disintegrated, but Roman concepts of law and government would carry a heavy influence for many centuries to come. In 18 B.C. the first substantial laws were enacted. These laws penalized adultery and childlessness and promoted childbirth. Like many of our laws today, these laws served a dual purpose. The Roman state needed more people, primarily to replace those who had been lost in a series of brutal wars. At the same time, the laws were a reflection of the prevailing morality of the day. Most countries no longer have comparable laws, but the motivations for the laws remain the same. Laws are part pragmatic, part moral. The early Roman republic was progressive and populist in nature. Offices were â€Å"†¦crafted to prevent any one person from seizing power†(Matyszak, 2006). The â€Å"checks and balances†our democratic nation features today are an outgrowth of that early Roman philosophy of government. We tend to think of democracy as a relatively new movement in the context of history. According to author Robin Fox, ancient Rome â€Å"†¦might deserve the label ‘democracy†(Fox, 2006). Representatives were elected by direct vote. A public vote also preceded the enacting of any new laws. Conclusion The ancient Roman society was remarkably modern in its nature and in its achievements. Their accomplishments are numerous and have a direct impact on our lives today. Robin Fox writes: The lasting memorials of the Roman Empire are roads and city-            buildings, aqueducts and Roman law and the Latin which            underlies many European languages.                                                                                   (Fox, 2006) The Roman focus on individualism was a strength of the republic. Unfortunately, it also led to its downfall. Individuals with no control over their self-interested pursuits engaged in power struggles. An alienated public led to a loss of support and paved the way for tyranny. A tyrannical state is destined to fall. It is deceptively easy for a democracy to move down that road. Democracies can in the short term be more fragile than dictatorships or other forms of government. Democracy relies on participation and a certain level of moral conduct to maintain itself in the long run. The ancient Romans were an incredibly productive culture. Their achievements have stood the test of time. As advanced as their republic was, however; it could not resist a slide into tyranny. This provides a lesson for us that goes beyond even their achievements in law, architecture and politics. Sources Fox, Robin Lane. The Classical World: an epic history from Homer to Hadrian. New York, Basic Books, 2006. Matyszak, Philip. The Sons of Caesar: Imperial Rome’s First Dynasty. London: Thames Hudson, 2006. Wells, Colin. The Roman Empire. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1984.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Shakespears sounds Essay examples -- Literary Analysis, Shakespeare
There are many benefits as to why plays are used to deliver entertainment rather than an author just writing their story on paper. A play pleases visual and auditory senses, while still delivering an entertaining storyline. Words on a page are simply no match for a play with the â€Å"extras†that come into the making of a play. Quoted to for his plays he wrote Ben Jonson said about William Shakespeare, â€Å"Soule of the Age! The applause! delight! The wonder of our stage!†William Shakespeare is one of the most influential playwrights to have ever existed. He was aware of what could be done on stage through his plays and the different roles that the effects of sound could have in his plays. This is specifically shown in Shakespeare’s play The Tempest. In The Tempest the different sounds that are featured throughout the play have a role of their own. Several different sounds are included throughout the play, including thunder, music, and several sounds that are made by the spirit Ariel. The many sounds in Shakespeare’s The Tempest are included to guide the completion of Prospero’s plan of forgiving his enemies. Although the sounds may seem at first as only to be extra text Shakespeare included in his play, with a further in depth look the magnitude of their role can be seen. The most evident of sounds that is seen in the play, happens to be the first text seen in the play. The play opens up with the stage directions, â€Å"On a ship at sea: a tempestuous noise of thunder and lightning heard†(I.i.1-2). This was not just filler to start off the play. Shakespeare had a specific purpose as to why he starts off The Tempest in this way. The sound of the thunder in this case literally sets the scene for the entire play. This sound may be arguably... ...tage performances and great number of plays of Shakespeare that are read, one needs to remember to use their imagination while reading Shakespeare. As Mitchell writes in her explanation of Shakespeare’s many sounds throughout his many plays, â€Å"Since sound effects contribute to emotional impact, it is useful to interpret them correctly†(Mitchell 127). It may be possible to argue that The Tempest by William Shakespeare, should add the character â€Å"sound†into the lead role. The influence that the various sounds have throughout the play truly alter the characters paths and cause them to fall deeply into the plan of Prospero. Without sound, the plot of Prospero could not have been completed. William Shakespeare incorporated sound perfectly, again proving his genius as a playwright and giving anyone who reads or watches the play and witty and entertaining plot.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Contempary Management Skills
Contract Non-legal Implications of a breach of contract would Include: potential loss of creditably In the marketplace and loss of new/return business for the party who breached the contract. Egg, a company selling goods and services, a damaged reputation could result in the loss of new and existing customer contracts. Egg. A breach of a loan contract, the potential loss of credit rating affecting future credit potential and business opportunities. Flow on effects of consequent outcomes for the party against whom the breach has occurred (Ultimate 2013).Egg. A contract breach by a car components company against a car manufacturing company would mean the car manufacturing company's inability to meet their customer contracts, potentially leading to a competitive loss In the marketplace and financial ruin if severe enough. A personal example, Is when I pre- booked a hotel for a holiday expecting my car to be serviced on time. However the breech of agreement of the car servicing company b y falling to have my car ready on time (2 days late) meant I started my holiday late and lost 2 hotel nights.Flow on consequences also result in loss of competitive position or opportunity for the party against whom the breach has occurred. Egg. If the contract breech meant a company or individual was not paid the monies due to them, there would be lost opportunity to pursue other avenues for investment with those funds. Emotional distress for both the parties. This could be particularly pertinent in instances Involving individuals and should not be under-estimated if it involves a significant life Impact such as loss of financial position. Self help remedies available: For the party who has breached the contact include:Pursing consultation and negotiation with the contracted party to discuss alternative arrangements and resolution to avoid litigation. For the party against whom the breach has occurred understand the full term and conditions of the contract to determine whether a ca se for breech of contact is allowed without legal ramification conduct a cost-benefit analysis of loss of the contract breech vs. the potential legal and non-legal costs before Annihilating any litigation. Document a schedule of projected cots/damages and the potential loss as a result of contract breech should a case for compensation be urged.Expectation / reliance loss – document and outline the position that would have been attained should the contract have been performed that the plaintiff would outcome but minimize damages and legal costs (Ultimate 2013). Explore preventive strategies to minimize damage in the event of a contract breech. Egg. A landlord taking out tenant protection insurance for loss of rent to non-paying tenants rather than taking legal action against a tenets that is likely to be more costly overall Ultimate, P 2013, Australian Business Law, 32nd Eden, ACH Australia Limited, Sydney, NEWS.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Causes of an Unhealthy Diet Essay
The Causes of An Unhealthy Diet There are many causes for an unhealthy diet. The causes themselves can range from person to person, but generally there are some that are identical from one person to another. The general causes that stand out the most include personal expense, believing current eating habits is healthy enough, and knowing a change is needed but doing little to change it. What you eat, whether you think about it or not, relies mostly on what you can afford. For example a college student like me, would find it more affordable to make some Macaroni and Cheese then go to a healthy restaurant. Also with expense, convenience can be included. Like the previous example a quick meal loaded with calories and other fats would be more convenient for a college student than making a five course meal from scratch. In the end the $0. 99 macaroni would be the more economical way to go. A big mistake a lot of people make is thinking what they currently eat is healthy enough already. They will attempt to stick to the food pyramids suggested servings, but will pay little attention to actual ingredients in the food. Two perfect examples are pasta and juice. Out of convenience, Pasta Roni is used for a quick flavorful meal. Little attention is given to the preservatives and ample amount of sodium included in each box. Fruit juice is possibly the worst culprit. You drink your juice thinking you’re getting your servings for the day. In actuality you’re getting 10% actual juice and an unhealthy overload of sugars and food colorings. It really pays to read all the nutrition facts when planning a healthy meal change. Finally, knowing a change is needed and providing resistance is a major contributor to an unhealthy diet. For most of us having a set schedule or favorite food is hard to change. For example, the thought of having to give up Chicago Style Hot Dogs for the sake of a healthier diet would not be a sacrifice I would be willing to make. And then there those who simply resist all efforts of change from nutrition to exercise. They are so set in their ways nothing will change their minds. Unfortunately these are the people you usually see with the serious health problems or obesity due to unhealthy diets. There will always be causes for an unhealthy diet. It is the individuals’ responsibility to recognize and manage those causes. Whether the causes are monetary, lack of interest in actual ingredients, or resistance to change. The final outcome will be based on the individuals’ decisions thus making overall health a personal problem.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Christopher Alexander and the Art of Building essays
Christopher Alexander and the Art of Building essays In both A Pattern Language and The Nature of Order Christopher Alexander endeavors to create authentic and alive spaces through an organic process of design. His mathematically reinforced patterns, based on ideal function and conceptions of beauty, can be applied to areas as large as cities and as small as individual shelving units. Alexander posits that the patterns allow for optimized design, where desirable relationships between each piece work in perfect unison. Within this theoretical framework, Alexander has outlined his own art of building that can, hypothetically, be followed by others who wish to use it. Most of his theories and writings in this area contain strong points for consideration; this being said, the forced patterns of desirable relationships described by Alexander are also restrictive. Additionally, his ideas about definable beauty make individual creativity irrelevant in his designs, making his methods somewhat flawed in respect to varying taste. The development of Christopher Alexanders theories comes from his strong background in both mathematics and architecture (Kohn 2002). In his earliest works he suggested that designers should identify project requirements and create diagrams to show the interrelationships between them. Diagrams would also be composites of rigorous experimentation. Using these diagrams, computer-generated algorithms would be produced and would dictate how the pieces of the design project should fit together (Kohn 2002). These earlier methods were the beginning of a much more human process but the key elements are the same: there is one true solution and there is a clear process to use to get there. Alexander still uses diagrams and interrelationships to define his buildings and design subjects (Kohn 2002). For example, a basic home diagram illustrates an adult realm and a childrens realm with a large common space connecting them in the center. Intuitively, th...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Questions to Ask When Writing an Essay. EssaySupply.com
Questions to Ask When Writing an Essay Questions to Ask When Writing an Essay Most teachers do not make use of a very important aspect of writing essays and papers. And that aspect is that the student should ask him/herself questions as a pre-writing preparation. Asking these questions will ultimately result in a better piece of writing. So, here are questions you should ask yourself as you get ready to write any essay or paper. Topic You may have a general topic area but within that topic area, you will need to select a smaller sub-topic for your essay or paper. Here is what you need to ask yourself: What sub-topic will interest me the most? Check through your text and lecture notes for topic ideas, and pick one in which you have good interest. Writing an essay or paper on a topic you don’t like is like getting a root canal – painful, very painful! Is there enough information on the topic to fulfill the length requirement? If you need an 8-page paper on the Civil War, the Battle of Antietam will probably not cut it. Before you finalize your topic, check out what’s available for resource information. Thesis Statement Every essay or paper has to have a thesis statement. So, here is what you need to ask as you formulate that statement: Why is it important for the reader to know this? What is the main point I am trying to make? What is my opinion about this topics? Resources There may be a large number of potential resources to use, but they are not all created equal. By the time you are in college, you can dump the idea of using encyclopedias of any kind. They are not appropriate for the type of research expected of you. So, here are your questions? Is the author of this book or journal article considered an expert on this topic? Can I find and use primary resources on this topic? If I have to use only secondary resources, are these the most current and relevant? Choose your resources wisely – your professor will expect them to be of high quality. Organizing Your Information Before you make an outline for writing, ask yourself the following: Should the information or data be organized sequentially? In what order should the points I make be given? Most important to least important, or the other way around? After the Rough Draft is Finished You know you are not going to turn in the first draft of whatever you write. You have to review it and fix your errors – structural and grammatical. So, as you read through that draft, ask yourself the following: Do I have a logical flow of the points I am making? Do I have good transitional sentences between paragraphs and, for longer works, sections? Have I varied the length of my sentences? Does my introduction begin with something that will capture the reader’s attention right away? Have I stated my thesis in the introduction and made it very clear? Have I used spell and grammar checkers to catch errors? Asking the right questions gets you to a â€Å"better place†in your writing and, ultimately a better grade. If you have any concerns about your topic, resources, or the quality of your writing, send it over to some good custom writing services like for a full review and edit. It will be returned to you polished and ready to go!
Sunday, November 3, 2019
How Australia Helps Refugees Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
How Australia Helps Refugees - Research Paper Example According to the DIAC’s official map dealing with the organization of detention centers, Australia uses two systems of welcoming refugees. Offshore clients involve eligible people who get guaranteed the chance to apply for protected status in the country. If approved, the Australian state further awards permanent protection to the individuals, which include the provision of visa. If the individuals play within the laws of Australia, they get accorded full citizenship a factor, which transforms refugees into citizens of Australia. The maritime system, on the other hand, is for refugees who apply for protection from the Australian government after stepping on their soil. It involves irregular maritime apprehensions in the last several years as shown in detention centers such as Sydney, Perth, Christmas Island and Melbourne not forgetting Darwin. Australia refugee policy got stipulated on 24 may 1977 by Mr. Mackler who outlined various principles guiding the humanitarian act. For instance, under the principles, the country recognizes refugees as people who need help and support, but at the same time hold the decision to help them within the government. Furthermore, one of the principles stipulates that assistance gets provided to refugees once they are designated plans for resettlement. Consequently, the country contributes to the United Nation Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). It is indispensable to remember that the proponent policy got formulated at a time when Australia was facing a surge of refugees from the war of Vietnam. Considering the sensitivity and the amount of information the project holds, a sensible time is needed to conduct research. The first week of the intensive two-week research involves gathering data from books and other publications. The second week involves carrying out interviews in the relevant departments. This is to ascertain data from books as well as acquire new information helpful in the research. It is also in the week that the research paper gets compiled for submission.
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